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I have osCommerce 2.2-MS2, which I have customized with Simple Template System Contribution. I changed the name of /catalog/ file to /products/. In the languages/english.php, I changed HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG to 'Products'.

It is about ready, with the exception of one pesky problem:


All the category links in the left nav work with the exception of the HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG link. This link goes to minnesotamix/catalog/. Since I changed the name of this file, this is an invalid link.


You can see this at: http://www.minnesotamix.com/products/ and clicking on the "Products" left nav.


I would like to either take the link out completely - or just change it to refresh.


This seems to me like a very simple fix - but, I have searched the forums and files in vain to try to find where the / HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG link is set.


Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks!


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