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Import pricelist to keep prices up to date


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What I want to achieve is this:

1. auto download pricelist (done using wget / unzip)

2. import excel sheet into mysql (done using excel2mysql perl script)

3. update the prices in the products database, and send an e-mail with the remaining records (new articles, should be inserted in the database)


The first two steps run flawlessly, but then it stops. I wrote a command-line php script which doesn't do what it should. Am I doing something impossible? Am I doing it wrong? Is there an easier way?


Here is the php code with comments:


$cn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password")or die ("connection failed"); //connecting to the db
@mysql_select_db("realonecomp_nl",$cn) or die ("No such database"); //select the right database
$sql_tempsmall = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tempsmall ORDER BY ART_NO",$cn)or die (mysql_error());//get all records in a recordset
while ($rs_tempsmall = mysql_fetch_row($sql_tempsmall) or die (mysql_error())) { // for each record
       $temp_id=$rs_tempsmall[0]; //get the ART_NO value into a string
       $sql_oscread = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE products_model='$temp_id'",$cn)or die(mysql_error()); // select the row which matches the ART_NO string
       $count_oscread = mysql_num_rows($sql_oscread) or die (mysql_error()); //check if there is a record returned
       if ($count_oscread>=1) { // there is an record which matches. Update the price
               mysql_query("UPDATE products SET products_price='$rs_tempsmall[ART_PRICE]' where products_id='$rs_tempsmall[ART_ID]'",$cn) or die (mysql_error());
               } else {
               print "new product"; //else print a debug message
               $new_prod = "yes";
if ($new_prod == "yes") {
       echo "Er is 1 nieuw product gevonden."; // another debug message, here comes the code for the mailing later on.


I must note that i'm kinda new to PHP and MySQL, but i do have a lot of experience with ASP and MS-SQL. (We're moving to new servers, that's why i need to switch to php)

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Will that import my excel sheet? And is it possible to start it from the command-line so it can be set as an crontab? My prices change at least daily, and I have over 6000 products. You can imagine it isn't possible to keep them all up to date by hand.

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