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The e-commerce.

Newbie Installation Problems


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Hi -


With a little trouble, I finally figured out how to FTP oscommerce-2.2ms2 to my webserver.


Once I did so, I clicked on the oscommerce-2.2ms2 to have it start-up, but all that happens is that WINZIP opens all the files and I get stuck there.


I've gone to WIKI for directions on how to get started but I can't get beyond having just oscommerce-2.2ms2 show on my webserver.


Please help - what should I be doing to install oscommerce? B)




INSTALL Directions from WIKI:


Upload the /catalog/admin directories to your server using FTP to upload files.


All PHP files must be uploaded in ASCII mode, and not binary.


The structure of the oscommerce is:




catalog / admin





Is there anyone who has experience setting up ecommerce sites that might be willing to assist me in getting started??? :rolleyes:

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