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The e-commerce.

buy now button not working.


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Just been playing with my half finished store, and I've noticed that the "Buy Now" button doesn't work...I do have a couple of contribs installed, but nothing I can think of that would do this... (What is there...let me see... STS, categories description, can't think what else now...)

the link seems to work, but nothing is actually added to the cart.

here's what the link says:

It just seems to refresh the page...


Please help!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi mistafeesh,


I'm having the same problem with the Buy Now buttons on the product_listing.php and products_new.php files, nothing is added to the shopping cart after clicking on the Buy Now button? :(


I have installed the Change Buy Now buttons to forms mod to work along side with the Sid killer mod. The Buy Now buttons on the product_info.php page work, so I don't know what else to do?


I hope someone will have an answer for us! :D

Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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The action in product_info.php is 'add_product' - I would be looking at the 'buy_now' action in application_top.php - perhaps you have made changes there.





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Hi Johnson,


Thanks for the heads up, I'll check the buy now "action" code for differences, and see if I can get it to work. :unsure:



Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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No go!


I've removed the Buy Now buttons from my products_new.php, and turned off the Buy Now buttons for the product_listing.php within the admin. At least the button on my product_info.php page works! :rolleyes:

Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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