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Inserting field info from one table into another


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I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I'll ask anyway...


How do I get a customers name and email address (from the customers_table) to show in another table? How do I join them? Is that the correct way?


In other words, is it possible to query a customers_name and customers_email_address from the customers_table AND customers_id used in a second table, and THEN display the rest of the columns from the second table?


I've entered the new fields, "customers_name" and "customers_email_address" into a table, but don't quite know how to get the php code to do this.

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I'm not sure what you want to do. If you just want to have a query return data from two tables, that's not difficult. For example, if you want to return a list of orders with the customer's last name you could do something like

$ocne_query = tep_db_query("select c.customers_lastname, o.* from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c, " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o where o.customers_id = c.customers_id");

This would be a straight join.




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