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The e-commerce.

Service/Product shop combined


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Dear all,


My shop will have services and products. I want to have:


1 Selective shipping by product (no shipping for services)


2 Selective Manufacturers by product (no manufacturers for services)


I will tidy up the solutions offered and post them neatly for others.


Thanks in advance,


Damian Hickey


*edit* - removed advertising

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Has anyone figured out how to go about selling services and products on the same site? I want to use osc to allow students to register and enroll in classes. Maybe someone more experienced can help us out, here are the basic requirements:


1) Charge a once per year per student registration fee of $20 and $30 Show fee upon enrollment


2) Allow student to build their class schedule (pick classes/days/times


3) Tuition varies depending on # of class hours taken per week (each class would be a different product but somehow all the classes in a students schedule would have to be added up automaticly and totaled for payment at checkout)


Example: 1hr/wk = $48/month


2hr/wk= $79/month

2.5hr/wk = 99/month


(and so on)


4) Possibility of creating family accounts (where each additional student family member after one gets a %discount off monthly tuition)


5) Ability for potential student (customers) to create class WishList


6) Recurring billing and ability to pro-rate monthly tuition amounts if student joins up during the month instead of at the beginning of the month


Any suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

Make the services downloadable products. Then they won't be charged shipping. The download can be anything.


You don't have to specify a manufacturer for a product if you do not wish to do so.


For recurring billing, I would do this outside of osCommerce. However, if you wish to do it inside, there is a contribution called osC Pro that does this.




Always back up before making changes.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi Everyone,


This trail looks pretty cold, but I'm on it. Has support for off-line course regsitrations been added to osc since this thread was opened? I'm researching the question for a nonprofit that teaches people how to navigate the adoption maze.







Dear all,


My shop will have services and products. I want to have:


1 Selective shipping by product (no shipping for services)


2 Selective Manufacturers by product (no manufacturers for services)


I will tidy up the solutions offered and post them neatly for others.


Thanks in advance,


Damian Hickey


*edit* - removed advertising

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