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The e-commerce.

0 value on all my prices plz plz help


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HI everyone,


I am a newbie, I have followed the instructions on here to change to currency to pounds and even have changed the line of text in the english.php file.


But I still can't get my prices to come up, they still come up as zero.

has anyone else had this problem? If so how do I sort it?


Really appricate any help given.

Cheers :huh:

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in admin>currencies set your currency to 0.0000 and also set it as 'default'.



I was having the exact same problem. I followed Matti's advice, but then also had to change the currency value back to 1.0 again. Then it started working properly again B)

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I have tried the above on my site, and it doesn't work.


I have deleted all currencies apart from GBP, made it my default currency and the price still comes up as default.


Any ideas what I am doing that is so drastically wrong


Any help appreciated

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have you set it in includes/languages/english.php


there is a line that looks like this




change it to read GBP or whatever the currecy is and that should work







Mark A Reynolds

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