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The e-commerce.

don't know where to start...ssl..my sql..help.


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I am new w/ oscommerce I have opened a website with the program. But the thing is, I don't know how to set up the my sql database..or whatever it is you are supposed to do with it. I look in the cpanel in my domain..and don't really understand what I'm supposed to do w/ it.


I have set up my store here http://pinkstarsunshine.net/treasuresanddreams (not done) Now is the part I'm stuck on....where do I go from here? (I'm a real newbie to oscommerce, but I catch on quick) How would I activate and make my site ready for purchases.



Can anyone point me into the right direction reguarding the my sql, ssl, how to *activate* it, etc..? Any advice would be appreciated and beneficial. Like I said, I'm super new to this, please be gentle! :)





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