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Attributes pricing problem...


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ok, this might sound dumb, but for some of my product attributes i want to enter the acutal price, not the (+23.46) price. so i just entered the actual price and no prefix. fine, it shows up fine on the product_info page, but not in the cart or during checkout. then it decides to automaticly subtract the attribute option price from the base price.


is there any way i can setup my site to work how i would like?? :unsure:


thanks in advance...

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take a look at my page and you will see why it make more sense for me to do it the way i'm talking about.




look in the tires section


really it is SOOOOO much easier for a cutomer to see the price rather than have to add it up for themselves.


why does it default to subtract if no symbol is used?? seems dumb to me...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is what you want to do or not but to remove the plus and minus sign from the attributes, find the following section in catalog/product_info.php around line 196:




Replace with the following:



So I start with a zero price and then price each attribute.


If someone sees any damage that I may cause by doing this, feel free to speak up (I'm not a PHP pro).


BTW, it's also cleaner to remove the $0.00 from the top of the pages and in the listings if you do this.


Jim Smith

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Jim,


The fix you just mentioned abovge works great, however, since only a few products have attributes, how would I go about deleting the product price at the top of the page on a per product basis?





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