Guest Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 What is wrong with this code in articles.php: function tep_show_topic($counter) { global $tree, $topics_string, $tPath_array; It is breaking my page... I have the following contribs: - Master Prods - Customer Testimonials - Options as Images - STS Quote
aldaffodil Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 (edited) Hello. I am having trouble getting subtopics to show. I saw that "Bravejoey" was having the same problem, but didn't see anyone reply. Does anyone know how to fix it? ---------------------------- Update: Upon second look, I see that the subtopics are showing in the info box, but is there a way to display them in the "main screen"? Edited April 30, 2004 by aldaffodil Quote
aldaffodil Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 (edited) Ok, I figured it out. Here is the solution for getting subtopics to show in case someone else runs into the same problem. In catalog>articles.php, after: ? ?} else { ? ? ?$topics_query = tep_db_query("select t.topics_id, td.topics_name, t.parent_id from " . TABLE_TOPICS . " t, " . TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION . " td where t.parent_id = '" . (int)$current_topic_id . "' and t.topics_id = td.topics_id and td.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by td.topics_name"); ? ?} Add: ? ?$number_of_topics = tep_db_num_rows($topics_query); ? ?$rows = 0; ? ?while ($topics = tep_db_fetch_array($topics_query)) { ? ? ?$rows++; ? ? ?$tPath_new = tep_get_topic_path($topics['topics_id']); ? ? ?$width = (int)(100 / 3) . '%'; ? ? ?echo ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<td align="center" class="main" width="' . $width . '" valign="top"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $tPath_new) . '">'. '<br>' . $topics['topics_name'] . '</a></td>' . "\n"; ? ? ?if ((($rows / 3) == floor($rows / 3)) && ($rows != $number_of_topics)) { ? ? ? ?echo ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</tr>' . "\n"; ? ? ? ?echo ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<tr>' . "\n"; ? ? ?} ? ?} Were you see a 3 , such as 100/3, the three represents the MAX_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_PER_ROW, so set this to however many topics you want displayed per row. I couldn't figure out where to set it, so I just hard coded it. (May the osCommerce Gods strike me down) Edited April 30, 2004 by aldaffodil Quote
edtiger Posted May 5, 2004 Posted May 5, 2004 nice little fix, but a couple of things I came across while installing it. 1) MAX_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES_PER_ROW is set in the admin area of your shopping cart look in the admin area using these steps: admin > configuration > Maximum values > click "Categories To List Per Row" 2) FILENAME_DEFAULT should be FILENAME_ARTICLES, otherwise you get the index.php instead of the articles.php 3) still doesn't show sub categories if there are articles in the main category. This is also a problem with product categories. I use the ShowSubcatandProducts contribution for my product categories and I adapted it for the article manager if anyone is interested in showing both articles and topics within their main article categories. Quote
devink Posted May 6, 2004 Posted May 6, 2004 Hi, I have found that it's not possible to put forms on a page in article manager. The code goes in fine, the problem is the preview page. When you confirm that you want to save the article, nothing happens. I guess it's becuase my form is somehow disabling the article preview buttons. I am confident that my form is coded correctly (<FORM></FORM> etc). Any suggestions? Quote Many Thanks, Steve
endura29 Posted May 18, 2004 Posted May 18, 2004 Hello, Just wondering if anyone could give me a link to a site that has this module installed so that I could visualize it better. thanks Quote
bglkk Posted May 21, 2004 Posted May 21, 2004 Any ideas on why the Articles Manager admin editor won't save text in Japanese? Even if I enter English in the Japanese editor fields, it just disappears into the void on saving... The admin editor works fine for Traditional Chinese, and I can enter Japanese directly into the articles_description and topics_description database tables. No doubt this is related to the Japanese language pack being adapted from MS1, but I wonder where to start poking around for a fix. Quote "Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST
bglkk Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 Japanese language definitions for Article Manager--translated by an associate in Japan. (You'll need to drop these into the appropriate language files.) // Article Manager define('BOX_HEADING_ARTICLES', '????'); define('BOX_ALL_ARTICLES', '???٤Ƥε???'); define????('BOX_NEW_ARTICLES', '??????????'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES', '<b>%d</b> ?? <b>%d</b> (of <b>%d</b> ????)??ɽ????'); define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES_NEW', ' <b>%d</b>?? <b>%d</b> (of <b>%d</b> ??????????)')??ɽ????; define('TABLE_HEADING_AUTHOR', '????'); define('TABLE_HEADING_ABSTRACT', '????'); define('BOX_HEADING_AUTHORS', '???Ԥˤ??뵭??'); define('NAVBAR_TITLE_DEFAULT', '????'); define('HEADING_ARTICLE_NOT_FOUND', '?????????Ĥ????ޤ???'); define('TEXT_ARTICLE_NOT_FOUND', '???ε??????ܥ????ȤǤϤ??褦?Ǥ??ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION', '?ܺ٤Ϥ??ε??????????Ȳ??????? <a href="%s" target="_blank"><u>web page</u></a>.'); define('TEXT_DATE_ADDED', '???ε?????%s??ȯ?Ԥ????ޤ???'); define('TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE', '<font color="#FF0000">???ε?????%s??ȯ?Ԥ????ޤ???</font>'); define('TEXT_BY', 'by '); define('TEXT_CURRENT_REVIEWS', '???ߤΥ??ӥ塼:'); define('BOX_TEXT_TELL_A_FRIEND', 'ͧ?ͤ˾Ҳ????롣'); define('TEXT_TELL_A_FRIEND', '???ε?????ͧ?ͤ˾Ҳ?????:'); define('TEXT_XSELL_ARTICLES', '???ε????˴?Ϣ????????:'); define('HEADING_TITLE', '???ӥ塼 '); define('NAVBAR_TITLE', '???ӥ塼'); define('TEXT_NO_ARTICLE_REVIEWS', '???ߡ????ε??????Ф??????ӥ塼?Ϥ????ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_OF_5_STARS', '5????????%s '); define('TEXT_REVIEW_VIEWS', '?ɤ???????: '); define('TEXT_READ_REVIEW', '???ӥ塼???ɤ?...'); define('NAVBAR_TITLE', '???ӥ塼'); define('HEADING_TITLE', '???ӥ塼 '); define('SUB_TITLE_ARTICLE', '????:'); define('SUB_TITLE_FROM', '?м?:'); define('SUB_TITLE_DATE', '????:'); define('SUB_TITLE_REVIEW', '???ӥ塼:'); define('SUB_TITLE_RATING', '?졼??:'); define('TEXT_OF_5_STARS', ' 5 ????????%s'); define('NAVBAR_TITLE', '???ӥ塼'); define('HEADING_TITLE', '?Υ??ӥ塼?????? \''); define('SUB_TITLE_FROM', '?м?:'); define('SUB_TITLE_REVIEW', '???ʤ??Υ??ӥ塼:'); define('SUB_TITLE_RATING', '?졼??:'); define('TEXT_APPROVAL_WARNING', 'Note: ???ʤ??Υ??ӥ塼?Ͼ?ǧ????ɽ???????ޤ?'); define('TEXT_BAD', '<small><font color="#ff0000"><b>????</b></font></small>'); define('TEXT_GOOD', '<small><font color="#ff0000"><b>?ɤ?</b></font></small>'); define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_ARTICLES', '%s???ο?????????'); if ( ($topic_depth == 'articles') || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['authors_id'])) ) { define('HEADING_TITLE', $topics['topics_name']); define('TABLE_HEADING_ARTICLES', '????'); define('TABLE_HEADING_AUTHOR', '????'); define('TEXT_NO_ARTICLES', '???Υȥԥå??ˤϵ??????????ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_NO_ARTICLES2', '???????Ԥ????ѤǤ??뵭???Ϥ????ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES', '??????: '); define('TEXT_SHOW', 'ɽ??:'); define('TEXT_NOW', '\' ????'); define('TEXT_ALL_TOPICS', '???ȥԥå?'); define('TEXT_ALL_AUTHORS', '??????'); define('TEXT_ARTICLES_BY', '?ˤ??뵭?? '); define('TEXT_ARTICLES', '?????ε????ꥹ?ȤǤϺǿ??Τ??Τۤɾ??̤˼??????Ƥ??ޤ???'); define('TEXT_DATE_ADDED', '????:'); define('TEXT_AUTHOR', '????:'); define('TEXT_TOPIC', '?ȥԥå?:'); define('TEXT_BY', '?ˤ???'); define('TEXT_READ_MORE', '?ܺ٤?...'); define('TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION', '?ܺ٤Ϥ??????Ԥ? <a href="http://%s" target="_blank">web ?????Ȥ??Ʋ?????</a>.'); } elseif ($topic_depth == '?ȥå?') { define('HEADING_TITLE', '???٤Ƥε???'); define('TEXT_ALL_ARTICLES', '???٤Ƥε????Υꥹ?ȤǤ????ǿ??Τ??Τ???????ɽ?????ޤ???'); define('TEXT_CURRENT_ARTICLES', '???ߤε???'); define('TEXT_UPCOMING_ARTICLES', '???٤ε???'); define('TEXT_NO_ARTICLES', '?ꥹ?Ȥ??뵭???Ϥ????ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_DATE_ADDED', 'ȯ??:'); define('TEXT_DATE_EXPECTED', 'ͽ??:'); define('TEXT_AUTHOR', '????:'); define('TEXT_TOPIC', '?ȥԥå?:'); define('TEXT_BY', '?ˤ???'); define('TEXT_READ_MORE', '???????ɤ?...'); } elseif ($topic_depth == '?ͥ??ƥå?') { define('HEADING_TITLE', '????'); define('NAVBAR_TITLE', '??????????'); define('HEADING_TITLE', '??????????'); define('TEXT_NEW_ARTICLES', '???ε????????? %s ???˲ä??????ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_NO_NEW_ARTICLES', '???? %s ???֤˲ä????줿?????Ϥ????ޤ?????'); define('TEXT_DATE_ADDED', 'ȯ??:'); define('TEXT_AUTHOR', '????:'); define('TEXT_TOPIC', '?ȥԥå?:'); define('TEXT_BY', '?ˤ???'); define('TEXT_READ_MORE', '???????ɤ?'); Quote "Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST
bglkk Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 (edited) Oops, a couple of mistakes above. define('BOX_NEW_ARTICLES', '??????????'); And of course we shouldn't have translated the elseif statements! } elseif ($topic_depth == 'top') { } elseif ($topic_depth == 'nested') { :wub: Edited May 23, 2004 by bglkk Quote "Buy the ticket, take the ride..." -HST
♥bruyndoncx Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 3) still doesn't show sub categories if there are articles in the main category. This is also a problem with product categories. I use the ShowSubcatandProducts contribution for my product categories and I adapted it for the article manager if anyone is interested in showing both articles and topics within their main article categories. Could you share this fix with us ? Quote KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support). So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?! Find the most frequent unique errors to fix: grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt
edtiger Posted May 23, 2004 Posted May 23, 2004 I'll have to sort through my code for the fix. I have a highly modified shop and will have to make sure my fix will work for everyone else. I should have it posted by monday... Quote
p-r Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Hi all. I recall that, earlier on, someone else was having the SAME problem I'm having... My PREV || NEXT page navigation links don't show up to go to the next page of articles. Anyone got any ideas???? ;) I have had the same problem and it appeared to be a bug in the 1.2 release. The sql query applied during installation included a PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION configuration key while all files refer to ARTICLE_PREV_NEXT_BAR_LOCATION when checking if showing "split into pages" tab is needed. I have corrected the typo and released it as 1.2b version in the contribution area (check it out at,1709). If you already have Article Manager installed you only need to change one record in the configuration table (e.g. using phpmyadmin). Quote
Kurt Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 What about guest reviews and "guest tell a friend"? Quote
ziebull Posted May 28, 2004 Posted May 28, 2004 Hellow I have a problem, How Can I split one article into multiple pages ?? I need this because i have big articles. Can anyone help me ? Quote
jjb Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 I have completed the install, and for the most part it seems to be working. Except... The Admin end seems to work fine, articles are added to the database. The front end (Catalog) shows the article box, AND the article categories that I have added. BUT under "New Articles" and "All Articles" AND when you go to the category itself, there are NO articles. Again, I have confirmed that the tables contain the meta data for the articles, though I can not find the atricle text itself... Any ideas? Quote
Guest Posted May 31, 2004 Posted May 31, 2004 How Can I split one article into multiple pages ?? I good idea would be to split it into PARTS. e.g. Your Article - Part One Your Article - Part Two etc, etc... :rolleyes: Quote
azer Posted May 31, 2004 Posted May 31, 2004 i read the all 17 pages ... please guys begin your post by : - REQUEST - SUGGESTIONS - BUG ?! - INSTALL PROBLEM not in capitals cause it's such a mess .... i worked with strider on the Browse by Categories and i think it would be a good idea to try to use it and hack it for article manager cause it allows several way of showing main category ( topics) and sub categoryes ( sub topics or even articles) but the tings is the contribution is based around an image for the categories , taht mean for the topic and even the sub topic i understand that rob didnt implement taht because i thinks about using html area to deal with images but ... i think we could like in product or category pages choose an image that would be shown in top right or left of the page , maybe on the same line of the title of the topic or article ... i think people should take the best of article content manger contribution to add it to this article manager one ... also here are my request : REQ 1 : salvo please release your code and instruction to add an image to artcile or topic to the contribution download area except if rob is willing to add them and release a new version REQ 2 : very important is to be able to give a sort order to topic and article REQ 3 : being able to activate or desactivate the topics , since we can only do it to articles . Sugestions : we should also try to find different way to show artivles in the infoboxes : dropdown, or full tree with topic and subtopic with/without articles , and even javascript or dhtml .. if anyone want to have javascript code to take as exemple i can provide different script like end note : seems to me taht rob did a nice piece of work and people should give a hand and not hesitate to post their work even if not finished to get some help here ! rob cannot do all alone ... ill try to help for the Browse by Categories hack .. Quote MS2
azer Posted May 31, 2004 Posted May 31, 2004 for the tree menu i posted a request on : Quote MS2
Guest Posted June 3, 2004 Posted June 3, 2004 I know this problem has been discussed here before, but I wasn't able to find the solution. I've installed the contribution and everything seems to work correctly on the admin side - I can add authors and articles and topics, and they get written to the database as they should. Unfortunately, if an article is on the "top" level, it doesn't display in /catalog/articles.php. If I move the same article into a Topic, it displays just fine. Anyone know what I've done wrong? Thanks in advance, Aaron P.S. - This contribution is excellent - it made my job a lot easier. Thanks for the great work. Quote
Guest Posted June 3, 2004 Posted June 3, 2004 karpar.....I do believe that an article HAS to be in a category to show up. Quote
devink Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 You're right, it must be in a category to show up. But I've just realised...this is good news!!! :D :D :D I wanted to create articles that didn't show up in the article manager (additional product info, links from elsewhere, hidden pages accessible only from affiliate schemes etc...). Now I can! Create them at the root level, and you can link to it, but it doesn't show up anywhere else. It's not in new articles, or articles by author either. Here's my test, check it out, then look by author etc... to see. Hidden Article link Quote Many Thanks, Steve
Guest Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 Well, that certainly explains it! Thanks MikeyJ and Devink. I'm glad I didn't spend too long trying to find my mistake! The funny thing is I always planned to have topics anyway. Thanks again! Aaron Quote
Guest Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 Another (hopefully minor) problem has cropped up. When I try to use the admin tool for cross-selling in articles, I get a parse error on line 258 of articles_xsell.php. I saw that Donrob posted about this a while back, but I didn't see a solution posted anywhere. Has anyone run into this problem? More importantly, does anyone know how I can fix it? I didn't make any changes to articles_xsell.php. Thanks! Aaron Quote
euskopc Posted June 11, 2004 Posted June 11, 2004 I contributed a new package for this contribution with spanish files, I hope that it helps more than one. Quote
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