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Article Manager v1.0


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Is it possible to have a landing page that lists all the categories (with maybe a few article titles from each category)? I have quite a few categories and I'd love to have one page that lists them all for viewers. So instead of the "all articles" page, there is a "all categories" page.


(I'd also like to see the ability for customers to submit articles)

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There is the articles.php page, which lists all of the articles.





Yeah, but I just want all of the categories and not the indiviidual articles :(

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Has anyone else noticed when you add a product to the cross-sell in the articles manager then try to add another product from a different catagory the products are duplicated in the articles cross-sell admin?


I am having this same problem and I don't se ehow to remove items anywhere. I now have one product repated no less than 50 times in it.


Would love to see the fix for this.

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Yeah, but I just want all of the categories and not the indiviidual articles :(

Are you saying you want a page to display just topics or are you wanting categories included somehow?



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Are you saying you want a page to display just topics or are you wanting categories included somehow?





I'm sorry, I am using the wrong words:


I'd like a landing page that can do either:


Topic A

Topic B

Topic C

Topic D




Topic A

Article 1

Article 2

Topic B

Article 1

Article 2

Topic C

Article 1

Article 2


Rather than the way articles.php is laid out now:


Article 1 Topic A

Article 1 Topic C

Article 1 Topic B


Hope that makes things clearer

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A new version has been uploaded contining these changes:


- Added an all topics page.

- Added a submit articles page.

- Added code to admin/articles_xsell.php to prevent having to login when updating.

- Removed references to the HTMLArea. In future releases, the code for that will be removed altogether.


I checked the add/remove functions in XSell and it is working correctly. However, the code uses some short-cuts that may cause problems with later versions of php. So if you are having a problem with that section, be sure to mention your php version.


NOTE: This version requires Header Tags SEO to be installed.



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Hi Jack,


Thanks for the contribution, I use AM1.5.7.1 with no problems except I cant solve a trick how to display Upcoming articles module. I placed a Date Expected for an article and played with Published/Draft switch with no result. In admin articles configuration I have Maximum number of Upcoming articles to display set to 10.

My articles.php looks fine with <?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_ARTICLES_UPCOMING); ?> on place.

Have no errors and no shown upcoming articles. Please advice solution. Thanks

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This hasn't been tested but try this. In the includes/modules/articles_upcoming.php file, find this line

  $expected_query = tep_db_query("select a.articles_id, a.articles_date_added, a.articles_date_available as date_expected, ad.articles_name, ad.articles_head_desc_tag, au.authors_id, au.authors_name, td.topics_id, td.topics_name from " . TABLE_ARTICLES . " a, " . TABLE_ARTICLES_TO_TOPICS . " a2t, " . TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION . " td, " . TABLE_AUTHORS . " au, " . TABLE_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION . " ad where to_days(a.articles_date_available) > to_days(now()) and a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id and a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id and a.authors_id = au.authors_id and a.articles_status = '1' and a.articles_id = ad.articles_id and ad.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and td.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by date_expected limit " . MAX_DISPLAY_UPCOMING_ARTICLES);

and replace it with

  $expected_query = tep_db_query("select a.articles_id, a.articles_date_added, a.articles_date_available as date_expected, ad.articles_name, ad.articles_head_desc_tag, au.authors_id, au.authors_name, td.topics_id, td.topics_name from " . TABLE_ARTICLES . " a left join " . TABLE_ARTICLES_TO_TOPICS . " a2t on a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id left join " . TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION . " td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id left join " . TABLE_AUTHORS . " au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id left join " . TABLE_ARTICLES_DESCRIPTION . " ad on a.articles_id = ad.articles_id where to_days(a.articles_date_available) > to_days(now()) and a.articles_status = '1' and ad.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and td.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by date_expected limit " . MAX_DISPLAY_UPCOMING_ARTICLES);



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Thanks for being so fast on those requests!


I can't log into admin:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_parse_topic_path() (previously declared in /usr/home/tfs/public_html/xxx/admin/includes/functions/articles.php:14) in /usr/home/tfs/public_html/xxx/admin/includes/functions/articles.php on line 28

Edited by nnclyn
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Thanks for being so fast on those requests!


I can't log into admin:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_parse_topic_path() (previously declared in /usr/home/tfs/public_html/xxx/admin/includes/functions/articles.php:14) in /usr/home/tfs/public_html/xxx/admin/includes/functions/articles.php on line 28


nevermind...I'm an idiot...


Thanks for doing the additions :)

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This hasn't been tested but try this. In the includes/modules/articles_upcoming.php file, find this line...



Hi Jack,


Thanks for quick responce. Meanwhile I found that problem is in the articles.php since it dont call to modules/articles_upcoming.php


Looks like the else operator dont turn on a code from line 269 down

 } else { // default page


What is a condition to turn it on?

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When trying to view article_rss.php IE 8 an error occurs saying: An invalid character was found in text content Line: 11 Character: 15 <Category> Allm


The Category in question is: Allmänt.


Seems like it can't handle the characters å,ä,ö.


The same goes for <Descripton>


In Firefox there are no errors and it displays fine.

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Hi Jack,


Thanks for quick responce. Meanwhile I found that problem is in the articles.php since it dont call to modules/articles_upcoming.php


Looks like the else operator dont turn on a code from line 269 down

 } else { // default page


What is a condition to turn it on?

It tests for various option in the admin->Configuration->Articles settings, but only to show the parts of the upcoming articles. The names themselves are displayed before any such testing, other than the main setting for upcoming articles but you said you had that on.



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It tests for various option in the admin->Configuration->Articles settings, but only to show the parts of the upcoming articles. The names themselves are displayed before any such testing, other than the main setting for upcoming articles but you said you had that on.



May be some options make it off but I solved it this way. Although the question theoretically exists...


		  <?php } ?>
	<td><?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_ARTICLES_UPCOMING); ?></td>
	<td><?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_ARTICLE_LISTING); ?></td>
 } else { // default page

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You didn't upload the submit button, which may cause a little distortion. But it may be due to the width of the fields. In articles-submit.php, change the size in this line to something smaller

		 <td><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('article_name', $article['name'], 'maxlength="60" size="100"', false); ?> </td>

and both entries below that where it says 'hard', 40, change the 40 to something smaller (if the above doesn't help).



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You didn't upload the submit button, which may cause a little distortion. But it may be due to the width of the fields. In articles-submit.php, change the size in this line to something smaller
		 <td><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('article_name', $article['name'], 'maxlength="60" size="100"', false); ?> </td>

and both entries below that where it says 'hard', 40, change the 40 to something smaller (if the above doesn't help).




Changing those dimensions did the trick.


Great contribution! I went ahead and also added some text on most of the pages that let the viewer know they could "submit an article".


Thanks so much for all your help!

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One more request:


Is it possible to have on the "all topics" page, a sampling of articles?




Topic Name One

Article Name A

Article Nane B

see more articles.....


Topic Name Two

Article Name A

Article Name B

see more articles.....

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Jack, have you tried to build infobox upcoming articles?

Just my 2c. Will see if I can and thanks for time you are here for support!

No, I hadn't thought of that. I'll put it on the list to do but that will probably be a ways off.



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