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Hi Rob,


Great contribution! Exactly what I needed, once I get it working...


One question: the Configuration page is empty. I checked the configuration table and the configuration options were added, but they just don't show up on the page.


Any ideas?








I have installed Article Manager v1.2b and am having a hard time figuring out what I have done wrong.


When I click on an article it links me like this:



In the readme.txt it says that people can review articles. The screeenshots that are available for download, one can see that there should appear a button for the article readers to click on in order to review an article. This feature does show in Admin but in the Front-end it does not show at all!


In the Admin I can't see anything that indicates that somthing is wrong, everything shows as it should I think.


I really want to have this great contribute on my site. Sorry for cross posting, didn't see this support thread until now.





I found the "wrongdoing" that I'd made:


In includes/filenames.php I had by mistake added the code this way:


// ADDED BY KBKING for articlesdefine('FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO', 'article_info.php');

define('FILENAME_ARTICLE_LISTING', 'article_listing.php');...


This is the corrected code:


// ADDED BY KBKING for articles

define('FILENAME_ARTICLE_INFO', 'article_info.php');

define('FILENAME_ARTICLE_LISTING', 'article_listing.php');...


Thanks anyway



For the breaks, it's just an <hr> tag between the article listings, I don't remember exactly where you have to do it, but if someon wants to add it, i'll take some time to look and post it here.


It's modified just that way, some extra tags here and there, not in the "functional" code itself.


What I need to do is page breaks, someone can do it? Many long articles load complete on one single page and sometimes, if the article is too big, it looks bad.


Please, please... how to add page breaks to this great contribution?!?


Thanks again!!



If you could remember where you added in the <hr> tags, it would be a big help to me. if not, I am sure I could find it, I will just have to add it to my todo list, lol.


Also, I asked this a while back, someone ansered, but the solution wasnt exactly what I needed. I want the article x sell feature to work both ways. Like how it shows the related products at the bottom of the article, I want to show the related articles somewhere at the bottom of the articles description. If anyone knows how to go about doing that, please let me know. Thanks!


please help me :( i dont know what to do anymore....


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() (previously declared in /usr/www/users/dragonc/catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php:13) in /usr/www/users/dragonc/catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php on line 13



this is what i hav tried to get it to work:


i installed the articles manager on a new site, and it refuses to work. thinking that i obviously had missed something, re-did everything according to the instructions, several times; that didnt work either.

i then tried to upload files from the sites that do work, and still they would not work.

i thought it might be the database, so i dumped the articles tables, re-installed them, but still didnt work... i then dumped the entire database, created a new database and then installed the articles tables. still nothing.

as a last resort i did a clean OSC install, keeping only my stylesheets, and my config files. i did a fresh install of the articles manager, and still nothing. i keep getting the same error time in and time out.


i hope u can help me :'(


Hi I use this contribution on my website with no problems. However, I am doing another site using MS2-MAX and want to install it there.


The admin side works fine but the catalog side has issues (due to the template layouts I guess) plus I get errors such as:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: clean_html_comments() in /home/httpd/vhosts/fabricandleathercare.com.au/httpdocs/catalog/articles.php on line 350




Fatal error: Call to undefined function: clean_html_comments() in /home/httpd/vhosts/fabricandleathercare.com.au/httpdocs/catalog/includes/article_header_tags.php on line 104



Has anyone successfully installed this contribution into MS2-MAX version of Oscommerce?


Any help would be appreciated!



Hi I use this contribution on my website with no problems. However, I am doing another site using MS2-MAX and want to install it there.


The admin side works fine but the catalog side has issues (due to the template layouts I guess) plus I get errors such as:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: clean_html_comments() in /home/httpd/vhosts/fabricandleathercare.com.au/httpdocs/catalog/articles.php on line 350




Fatal error: Call to undefined function: clean_html_comments() in /home/httpd/vhosts/fabricandleathercare.com.au/httpdocs/catalog/includes/article_header_tags.php on line 104

Has anyone successfully installed this contribution into MS2-MAX version of Oscommerce?


Any help would be appreciated!





I just had the same problem, after the 3rd cup of coffee ... it was pretty simple

you need to add:


require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'clean_html_comments.php');






That took care of it for me. don't know if it was something we both missed or a missing instruction from the install file. So far, I am VERY impressed now that I have the finished results.





Great Contribution, one question, what would cause the html editor not to work?



I just had the same problem, after the 3rd cup of coffee ... it was pretty simple

you need to add:


require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'clean_html_comments.php');






That took care of it for me.  don't know if it was something we both missed or a missing instruction from the install file. So far, I am VERY impressed now that I have the finished results.





Hi Eric,

Thanks for that - that fixed the errors! Yay!


One more question - how did you get the article pages to pick up the template. I have had a play round with the coding but was wondering if you have got this working already?


so close....! :(



Great Contribution, one question, what would cause the html editor not to work?





Answered my own question, I tested it in Firefox with javascripts off, worked fine in IE. oops. sorry to waste peoples time


Ryan :'(

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone :blush:


I am new to OSC..and I am trying to install Article Manager v.1.2b ... In the directions...it states this:




In includes/languages/english/english.php add the following


// Article Manager

define('BOX_HEADING_ARTICLES', 'Articles');

define('BOX_ALL_ARTICLES', 'All Articles');

define('BOX_NEW_ARTICLES', 'New Articles');

define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES', 'Displaying <b>%d</b> to <b>%d</b> (of <b>%d</b> articles)');

define('TEXT_DISPLAY_NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES_NEW', 'Displaying <b>%d</b> to <b>%d</b> (of <b>%d</b> new articles)');

define('TABLE_HEADING_AUTHOR', 'Author');

define('TABLE_HEADING_ABSTRACT', 'Abstract');

define('BOX_HEADING_AUTHORS', 'Articles by Author');

define('NAVBAR_TITLE_DEFAULT', 'Articles');




However, in my installation of OSC (latest)...there is no english.php @includes/languages/english/


...do I add this to not to


..but to...



Thanks ... ..oh exactly where do I add these lines...


/ I am still installing it btw...just came in here cus this threw a little snag in my installation....well back to installing....

Ok, I figured it out. It was a tiny installation mistake. But because of the way the installation file is worded, it can be easily overlooked and other people may run into the same problem:


Installation readme.txt:

In admin/includes/application_top.php add the following (at the very end before the last ?>)

// include the articles functions
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'articles.php');

// Article Manager
 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['tPath'])) {...


I think it should rather be:

In admin/includes/application_top.php add the following (at the very end before the last ?>)

// Article Manager
// include the articles functions
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'articles.php');

 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['tPath'])) {...


Otherwise this part can be overlooked very easily (this is what happened to me):

// include the articles functions
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'articles.php');

Another tiny mistake in the readme file:

In includes/languages/english/english.php add the following


Should be:

In includes/languages/english.php add the 


I have just posted the German language files in the Contribs.

Thanks for the excellent mod.



:P :P .... started looking back threw the pages.....


THANKS FOR POINTING IT OUT! ... now the errors I was getting went away...... almost done installing...right at the last part now B)


OK, hit a snag I cant figure out :(


I DO NOT have the Header Tags Contribution installed...


so in instructions:


ALSO, if you DO NOT have Header Tags Installed, add the following (else don't!)

// add only if Header Tags not already installed
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'clean_html_comments.php');


I added the line...which gives me an error of:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_html_comments() in /home/httpd/vhosts/thecoc.net/httpdocs/Store/includes/functions/clean_html_comments.php on line 13


Please help....I cant figure this one out :(


First off, Article Manager 1.0 ROCKS! :D


I have only one question - would it be possible to add a stats report in the Admin Reports section showing the individual article viewing/hit rate?


I am using Article Manager as a pseudo-blog, and I would like to know what subjects guests like so I can pull more of them into my site and have them become customers! :)


That's the only thing this marvelous contribution is missing. I am deeply impressed by the quality of this thing - I've posted over a hundred articles in the last four months, and it is MUCH more stable than blogger...

  • 3 weeks later...
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :D  :P  :thumbsup:  B)


Everything works great!  So hopefully for those that visit this thread...having problems...now you know you will .... expect to get some errors using modified versions of OSC.


I just installed this on my site, with a few other contribs running. Installed first time, and (so far) trouble-free.


Thanks to all who have helped make this contribution - it is superb. :thumbsup:


First things first... thank?s for the great contribution!


I?ve installed 'articles' and everything?s running smoothly... but I need an infobox that shows not only categories and subcategories, but also the articles. Is anyone using a box like that?


Thank?s for any help!





OK, it's working well but now I'm getting greedy!


Is there a way I can "call" the latest article to appear on the index page when the site loads?


Any help would be greatly appreciated

Posted (edited)

hi there!


got a question to ask, well two actually :blush:






(point of reference: 'Information" box - where articles navigation is)


Getting Started


Ron Teeguarden

Herbs List

Jing Tonics

Qi Tonics

Shen Tonics

Supporting Herbs

Health Programs


the category 'Herb List' has four sub topics in it and those 4 have got all the articles related to the category in them.


i dont want those sub-topics to display at all in the navigation. how can i disable them?

I have tried to comment out some of the code (in /includes/boxes/articles.php), when i do and i click on the Herb List it doesnt display the sub topics, but it doesnt display any categories below the Herbs List either. (main categories - ie. Health Programs)






i dont want the articles to display at the bottom of the page:


"Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first......"


how can i disable this?




hope someone can help me with this


thanks in advance!

Edited by Phalen
OK, it's working well but now I'm getting greedy!


Is there a way I can "call" the latest article to appear on the index page when the site loads?


Any help would be greatly appreciated


I have another request actually. :-"


Has anyone got some ideas how I can make some changes to the way the articles are diplayed?


I'm thining about separating the articles by using boxes, lines or colours.


Any help on these two requests would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks to everyone for a great mod.



I have another request actually.  :-"

I'm thining about separating the articles by using boxes, lines or colours.


I found a way to do this as I reread this thread. Not as pretty as I was hoping, but it is a start.


If anyone can suggest a way of calling the most recent article onto the main page, I'll be very pleased.




Hey, finally, after around two + hours of tinkering I got this thing working. For some reason I had to manually go into all of the files on the admin side, and wherever it called a function or called to the DB i had to make sure it was all in lowercase, and that the 'TABLE_' infront of each DB table was removed. For some reason it wasn't working. Did anyone else have to do this, or did I install the contrib wrong?


i get the feeling that i'm being ignored :huh:


doesnt anyone know how to help me? (previous post is 4 posts up)

Hey, finally, after around two + hours of tinkering I got this thing working.  For some reason I had to manually go into all of the files on the admin side, and wherever it called a function or called to the DB i had to make sure it was all in lowercase, and that the 'TABLE_' infront of each DB table was removed.  For some reason it wasn't working.  Did anyone else have to do this, or did I install the contrib wrong?

Referring to tables as TABLE_XYZ is standard practise in osCommerce. They are defined like this:


in the includes/database.php file

Both in the admin directory and in the catalog directory.




I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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