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Article Manager v1.0


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Be sure you are using the latest version of Ultimate SEO - 2.2v-9. Also be sure you have added the article as a pseudo page in Header Tags page control, assuming you are using 1.57 of this contribution.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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Be sure you are using the latest version of Ultimate SEO - 2.2v-9. Also be sure you have added the article as a pseudo page in Header Tags page control, assuming you are using 1.57 of this contribution.


brilliant, the Ultimate SEO upgrade did the trick, thank you. and i didn't know about the pseudo pages, so that's a big help too!


any ideas about having the individual article names listed under their respective topics in the infobox column ??


you rock,


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Displaying the articles names like that isn't an option in the latest version but I will add it to the list for changes to the next.

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help..i had install this lattest article but on catalog section when open article, on bottom of article , i found this


Fatal error: Call to undefined function clean_html_comments() in C:\wamp\www\catalog\includes\modules\article_listing.php on line 66


on admin section, error like


if (!$add_related_article_ID) if ($_POST && !$_POST['sort']) { if ($_POST['run_update'] == true) { $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ARTICLES_XSELL . " WHERE articles_id = '" . $_GET['add_related_article_ID'] . "'"; if (!tep_db_query($query)) { exit(TEXT_NO_DELETE); } } if ($_POST['xsell_id']) { foreach ($_POST['xsell_id'] as $temp) { $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_ARTICLES_XSELL . ' (articles_id, xsell_id, sort_order) VALUES (' . $_GET['add_related_article_ID'] . ', ' . $temp . ', 1)'; if (!tep_db_query($query)) { exit(TEXT_NO_INSERT); } } } ?>


and when make new category, thiis happen


1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'sort_order' at row 1


insert into topics (sort_order, parent_id, date_added) values ('', '0', now())



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help..i had install this lattest article but on catalog section when open article, on bottom of article , i found this


Fatal error: Call to undefined function clean_html_comments() in C:\wamp\www\catalog\includes\modules\article_listing.php on line 66

Saying you installed the latest version is not a clear statement in the case of this contribution. There are two versions - the ones names with 1.57 and the others. Version 1.57 uses the Header Tags SEO contribution while the other uses the Header Tags Controller contribution - they are not compatible. If you are using the non-1.57 version, then Header Tags is not required but the code won't work as well. The clean_html_comments function is used by both versions of Header Tags but is called differntly in Article Manager so you have to use the correct version based on which Header Tags you have installed.

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Using: Articles Manager v1.57_3

Receiving two fatal errors in the Admin section; one when clicking on Article Manager main title:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in <catalog path>/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 99

 function tep_db_fetch_array($db_query) {
   return mysql_fetch_array($db_query, MYSQL_ASSOC); // line 99


And another when clicking on Topics/Articles:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11633 bytes) in <catalog path>/admin/includes/functions/articles.php on line 51

   while ($topics = tep_db_fetch_array($topics_query)) {
     if ($exclude != $topics['topics_id']) $topic_tree_array[] = array('id' => $topics['topics_id'], 'text' => $spacing . $topics['topics_name']); // line 51
     $topic_tree_array = tep_get_topic_tree($topics['topics_id'], $spacing . '   ', $exclude, $topic_tree_array);

Also, none of my catalog pages load (completely blank) when Display Box Articles is true. Turning it off will allow my catalog pages to load again. I was, however able to add myself as an author, so some of the add-in is working.


I am using HeaderTags SEO (v3.2.2), STS (v4.6), Ultimate SEO URLs (v2.2-d9), Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups (v1.3.5)


Server has PHP 5.2.8, MySQL 5.0.90 Community.

php.ini memory_limit is 20M, post_max_size is 16M


I have gone through the installation options twice and all changes appear to be correct.


Any assistance would be appreciated.

Edited by Joe Jordan
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Using: Articles Manager v1.57_3

Receiving two fatal errors in the Admin section; one when clicking on Article Manager main title:

The errors are occurring because there is somethng causing the code to loop. My guess is that the database is corrupted for some reason. The specs for your server aren't that uncommon and this contribution works elsewhere so I don't think it is the code. If this is an existing installation that has been working, the database has probably developed an error and running a repair on it using phpmyadmin may fix that. If this is a new installation that never worked, you may have entered something that is causing it to hang, though I don't know what that could be. In this case, I suggest removing the database changes and trying it again.

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A new version has been uploaded with the following changes:


- Added automatic insertion of articles and topics as pseudo pages

- Added code to admin/authros.php to load in article functions

- Added missing xsell definition to language file

- Added missing code on articles page for topics so topics are displayed

- Added code to send an email to the shop owner when an article is submitted

- Added configuation options to control what is showin in the articles infobox

- Added confiiguration option to control which HTML editor is used

- Added code to handle the three common HTML editors - CKEditor, FCKEditor and TinyMCE (the actual editors have to be installed seperately)

- Added Version Checking handling code. To use it, download that contribution (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7148) and upload the included files

- Changed how articles infobox displays

- Changed All Topics page to list all topics (including sub-topics) and all articles in them

- Fixed coding mistake in includes/boxes/articles.php

- Fixed many coding mistakes in articles_xsell.php - sort now works properly

- Fixed many coding mistakes which caused STRICT type failures (some still exist)

- Fixed layout of articles submit page

- Replaced all $HTTP_GET and $HTTP_POST with $_GET and $_POST

- Replaced ereg code with preg_match


Many other small changes were made that had to do with mistakes in the original code and didn't really add anything to the contribution, other than to make it more stable. As a result, be sure you replace all of the files specific to this contribution. If your shop uses a template, you will need to compare the files in the root so your layout is not corrupted.


There are other changes that need to be made but I wanted to get this version updated so it could be tested. Please report any problems and offer any suggestions that would improve it.

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Hi Jack,


Some people have mentioned in other forums that Article Manager can be used as a sort of blog. If I wanted to do this, are there any major modifications that would need to be done? Would comments or such be a problem? Except for the screenshots from 2003 uploaded in the add-ons download section, I'm not quite sure what the final install looks like.





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Some people have mentioned in other forums that Article Manager can be used as a sort of blog. If I wanted to do this, are there any major modifications that would need to be done? Would comments or such be a problem? Except for the screenshots from 2003 uploaded in the add-ons download section, I'm not quite sure what the final install looks like.

I never gave it any thought but I can't see why it couldn't be used that way. It wouldn't requie any special setup that I can think of.

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A new version has been uploaded with the following changes:


- Added automatic insertion of articles and topics as pseudo pages

- Added code to admin/authros.php to load in article functions

- Added missing xsell definition to language file

- Added missing code on articles page for topics so topics are displayed

- Added code to send an email to the shop owner when an article is submitted

- Added configuation options to control what is showin in the articles infobox

- Added confiiguration option to control which HTML editor is used

- Added code to handle the three common HTML editors - CKEditor, FCKEditor and TinyMCE (the actual editors have to be installed seperately)

- Added Version Checking handling code. To use it, download that contribution (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7148) and upload the included files

- Changed how articles infobox displays

- Changed All Topics page to list all topics (including sub-topics) and all articles in them

- Fixed coding mistake in includes/boxes/articles.php

- Fixed many coding mistakes in articles_xsell.php - sort now works properly

- Fixed many coding mistakes which caused STRICT type failures (some still exist)

- Fixed layout of articles submit page

- Replaced all $HTTP_GET and $HTTP_POST with $_GET and $_POST

- Replaced ereg code with preg_match


Many other small changes were made that had to do with mistakes in the original code and didn't really add anything to the contribution, other than to make it more stable. As a result, be sure you replace all of the files specific to this contribution. If your shop uses a template, you will need to compare the files in the root so your layout is not corrupted.


There are other changes that need to be made but I wanted to get this version updated so it could be tested. Please report any problems and offer any suggestions that would improve it.



brilliant, will install it straight away! have the article names been inserted into the infobox like we discussed?



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brilliant, will install it straight away! have the article names been inserted into the infobox like we discussed?



I think so.

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I installed the 1.57_3 to 1.57_4 update, and I am now receiving an error when I go to add or update an article:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getfilearray() (previously declared in <catalogpath>/admin/includes/functions/version_checker.php:66) in <catalogpath>/admin/includes/functions/header_tags.php on line 590

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I installed the 1.57_3 to 1.57_4 update, and I am now receiving an error when I go to add or update an article:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getfilearray() (previously declared in <catalogpath>/admin/includes/functions/version_checker.php:66) in <catalogpath>/admin/includes/functions/header_tags.php on line 590

You need to follow the instructions in the update file.

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Dear Friends,


Installed latest version of article manager. I get following error when i try to login into admin account.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_parse_topic_path() (previously declared in E:\program files\xampplite\htdocs\catalog\admin\includes\functions\articles.php:14) in E:\program files\xampplite\htdocs\catalog\admin\includes\functions\articles.php on line 28

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Installed latest version of article manager. I get following error when i try to login into admin account.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_parse_topic_path() (previously declared in E:\program

It is saying there are two instances of the tep_parse_topic_path code in admin. I searched the files in the contribution and there is only one so you must have that included elsewhere. You will need to search your files to find it.

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Hi and congratulations for the addon.


Can you please help me on why the Greek version of the article is not saved (my store has greek and english as languages).

It must be a database problem because when I go to articles or topics from the admin I see all fields with the Greek text (titles or descriptions) to be blank. That must means that they are not saved in the database.

Correct me if I'm wrong and please help me on how to fix that.


thanks in advance


Edited by web2dev
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Can you please help me on why the Greek version of the article is not saved (my store has greek and english as languages).

It must be a database problem because when I go to articles or topics from the admin I see all fields with the Greek text (titles or descriptions) to be blank. That must means that they are not saved in the database.

Correct me if I'm wrong and please help me on how to fix that.

Yes, you are probably correct. If you can't see them in admin, then they probably aren't in the database. But the reading and writing of the database is all handled by the code from the contribution so it would seem something is wrong in your installation. Assuming you can edit a product for the two languages and have it work, then it would have to be in this contributions code, though I can't even guess as to what that might be.

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Yes, you are probably correct. If you can't see them in admin, then they probably aren't in the database. But the reading and writing of the database is all handled by the code from the contribution so it would seem something is wrong in your installation. Assuming you can edit a product for the two languages and have it work, then it would have to be in this contributions code, though I can't even guess as to what that might be.


Thanks for the fast reply.


Yes it's true I can edit a product page in both languages and appears correctly.


The installation went extremely good, I didn't get any errors in the sql file or in new files/edit files changes and uploads. Everything seems very good except of course the Greek characters not saved in the database.

My only guessing right now is the sql file installation, that I installed using Navicat. In the "execute SQL file" it had an option under the file selection for the encoding where I left it in the default encoding 65001 (UTF-8). My store uses Windows-1253 pages encoding which is for Greek and English as I had a lot of troubles in the beginning with the UTF-8 encoding. I wasn't sure if I had to change that setting in navicat to windows-1253 or not. On the other hand I don't understand how the web pages encoding in html is related to database encoding. If they are not then utf-8 that surely supports Greek characters why isn't working. I'm out of ideas.


Please if anyone has any idea on where to look to correct this I would be grateful.





EDIT: the problem may not be with greek encoding. I tried writing English in the greek title and the update wasn't saved with english characters as well. any ideas now? :S

Edited by web2dev
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If you look at the actual articles_description table in the database, are there entries (even empty ones) that have the language ID set to whatever the ID for greek is for your shop (compare it to the languages table)? Maybe the ID is not being recorded correctly for some reason.

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If you look at the actual articles_description table in the database, are there entries (even empty ones) that have the language ID set to whatever the ID for greek is for your shop (compare it to the languages table)? Maybe the ID is not being recorded correctly for some reason.


Hi, thanks for the reply.


The articles_description table in the database has only one record [articles_id=1, language_id=1, articles_name=<text>...].

I'm not sure how to check the languages id in the admin. When I go to admin languages I see that English is sort order 1 and Greek is sort order 4 (other languages were removed in the beginning of the building of the store). Greek is set as default. I'm not sure if that sort order is the language id but in the url when I select English I see the url http://.../eshop/admin/languages.php?page=1&lID=1 for English and http://.../eshop/admin/languages.php?page=1&lID=5 for Greek. So maybe language id is 1 for english and 5 for greek from that last part lID=5.

What does that mean??




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