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parse error, unexpected T_STRING


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Hi !

I need help with this ...I've changed title name in english.php file and got this error message:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in d:\inetpub\sites\www.funfactory.ca\web\cart\includes\languages\english.php on line 79


I don't see what is wrong woth that line. I didn't change nothing on it.



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it's likely that you have dropped or added something (usually small but important in this file). Have a look around line 79 and see what's going on there.


Most of the statements in the file should go:


define('SOMECONSTANT', 'some text');



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Also, parse errors often cascade lines. That is, when it says the error is on line X the error could actually be on line Y or Z or another line. It might help to post a few of the lines around and including the line indicated.

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Thanks for the help.....I have looked around line 79 in english.php, can't find what is wrong with it, I have compared it to the german.php script, and it looks the same. But I am sure that I have not ad or droped anything......here are the lines 79 through 85....if someone has any idea what went wrong, I would appreciate the help



// whats_new box text in includes/boxes/whats_new.php

define('BOX_HEADING_WHATS_NEW', 'What's New?');


// quick_find box text in includes/boxes/quick_find.php

define('BOX_HEADING_SEARCH', 'Quick Find');

define('BOX_SEARCH_TEXT', 'Use keywords to find the product you are looking for.');

define('BOX_SEARCH_ADVANCED_SEARCH', 'Advanced Search');






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