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The e-commerce.

new install / newbies / low english practice


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as you can see, i'm not yet " on the road again"...

i 'm poor frenchie/newbie, looking for and trying to configure os-commerce, for the first install, helping from auto-config file, at http://........./catalog/install.

I feel,good to create catalog "mysql create catalog" for "flush privileges" etc etc...

then, auto-config file keep good implement, still...case "username" , "password",and "database", and i m so sorry for very newbie question, but where is the "mysql" username ???

in ibays i could create a password for it , then i supposed the same for configure install catalog, but i had trying every words in use from my system and no one match, ????

i will thank's any boddy who can help me. tks a lot. JLB

:D :D :D :D

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OK, i found issue myself about my first install configure os-commerce, spend so much coff?, so much time, wich to see you soon helpping me, tks by by

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