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Remove Country DropDown in account_details.php


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I can imagine that this bugs a lot of people selling inside one country only... I've scanned through loads of threads in several osForums, but the only suggestion I found so far on how to solve the 'problem' (http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=64545&hl=) seems more complicated than need be (my personal opinion...).


So, here's my question: As my store is restricted to norwegian customers only AND Norway already IS selected in Admin, in what part of account_details.php (or maybe create_account.php ?) could I tep (?) the database for the EXISTING value AND use it (hidden) to let my norwegian customers create an account? My best guess is that the change could be done inside one of these files, I might be totally offTrack...


I think this way of doing the orderProsess could eliminate the need for contributions such as PurchaseWithoutAccount or GuestAccount, at least for singleCountryStores - the only thing 'extra' a customer is asked for is a password...

Petter - Arktisk Pudder

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