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Product Reviews 1/2 working - need advice!


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First off I must say that I have searched the boards with no resolve, and have also posted in some of the other topics to try and 'refresh' some of the problems again.

The only thing I really modified from the original code was putting the reviews section in the left column by a php require, which should have no effect on the code on the "product_reviews_info.php" page.

On all the main pages - the infoBOX is working fine and when you click the arrow, which brings you to the "reviews.php" page - those are working as well, but are abbreviated... Is that by design? The only page NOT showing the reviews is the "product_reviews_info.php" page.

This is what is displayed:

by T 	 Date Added:
Rating: [T of 5 Stars!]

So it is only displaying the first letter of the review... in this case the "T" the first word, which is "This". And where the image is.. it displays a T with a 'click to enlarge' under it... And for the stars... all there is is a php made image with "T of 5 Stars!" and no stars image at all...


Obviously this is a big problem and I need to fix this issue...


I have seen that guys did stress concern for the database structure involving the reviews, therefore I have copied mine here - as everything looks cool in the DB.


"reviews" table

Field....................Type ..........Null........Default.........Extra

"reviews_description" table

Field..............Type ..........Null........Default.........Extra
reviews_id........int(11)..........No ...........0


The full description seems to be fine in the database under 'reviews_text' but seems to be abbreviated (probably just for phpmyAdmin tho).


Just FYI - I'm using MS2


Please Advise with any ideas or help.. Thanks osC community!!!!

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open product_reviews_info.php


search and replace


find: $review


replace with: $myreview


note: myreview can be anything really so long as it doesnt interact with existing variables.


worked for me hope that helps. thx to lucas the php guru

Jeremy Dawes


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