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The e-commerce.

Gallery Mod?


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My Current webpage has a Gallery section. I need to add a section like this to what will be my new website, It needs to have just a photo and description of the photo NO PRICE or option to order, NOT inventory images this should take the place of what I have now at http://www.autographdealer.com/ip/


Can Anyone point me in the right direction?


I'm trying to go live with the new page TOMORROW and I need to get this done today if at all possible


Thanks in Advance



Tight deadline.....How about - "SHOW ROOM ONLY"


There is a mod called Free Call for Price (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,134)

That is able to do such.


Has the ability to mark product with Text or a graphic with varius sayings. Will ALSO prevent selling "Show Room Only" or "Sold Out" or "Comming Soon" items.


Good Luck


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