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Alternative to 2checkout?


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I need an alternative to 2checkout. Their support has gone from shabby to bad and we need another company to work with.


We do not have a merchant account so something where they send us checks is required.


I cannot work with iBill as they do not accept visa payments from Canada, and I already have PayPal on my site. I need a non-signup credit card processing alternative.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PaySystems.com - Canadian company. They have strict rules for joining but my sales have increase since using them... 2checkout really did fall apart recently - I gave up when I found out they were bouncing a fair number of customers for failed CVV codes, codes that worked on PayPal

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm from Canada. I have paysystems and was looking to switch to 2checkout... The grass is always greener I guess.


I've had several problems with Pay Systems all of which I was not responsible for, yet, I'm always the one who ends picking the tab. There's probably no perfect systems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Can you compare the paysystems process to 2checkout? With 2checkout customers click at least 3 times (3 different screens) to complete their transaction:

(using the 2checkout module)

1. Confirm Order

2. Confirm address and info

3. Finalize Order (returns to oscommerce database)

This is rather lengthy and convoluted I think. Is paysystems any better using the module?



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