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centering DynamicHeaderMenu


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First of all does anyone now of a forum url for the contribution DynamicHeaderMenu? Can't seem to find it.


My question is: has anyone centered the DynamicHeaderMenu (DHTML menu contribution)? The margins are absolute and I want my site centered in the window regardless of the users screen resolution.


Using the code below (i think) could someone help me in centering this <div>.

This code is from DHTML menu/menu.js:

function mitem_init() {
document.write (
 '<a id="mi_' + this.container.id + '_'
	 + this.id +'" class="m' + this.container.id + 'l' + this.depth 
	 +'o" href="' + this.fields[1] + '" style="position: absolute; top: '
	 + this.get_y() + 'px; left: '	+ this.get_x() + 'px; width: '
	 + this.container.pos['width'][this.depth] + 'px; height: '
	 + this.container.pos['height'][this.depth] + 'px; visibility: hidden;'
	 +' background: black; color: white; z-index: ' + this.depth + ';" '
	 + 'onclick="return menus[' + this.container.id + '].onclick('
	 + this.id + ');" onmouseout="menus[' + this.container.id + '].onmouseout('
	 + this.id + ');" onmouseover="menus[' + this.container.id + '].onmouseover('
	 + this.id + ');" onmousedown="menus[' + this.container.id + '].onmousedown('
	 + this.id + ');"><div class="m'  + this.container.id + 'l' + this.depth + 'i">'
	 + this.fields[0] + "</div></a>\n"
this.element = document.getElementById('mi_' + this.container.id + '_' + this.id);


Thanks a whole bunch!


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