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The e-commerce.

Canada Post Contribution


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I am looking for the code to comment out purolator as a shipping method and also to change the text of the 'server is unavailable message'


I can't find this stuff. Does anyone know which files these things are in?




Look in and change the code you had added.


To change text look for a file in catalog/includes/languages/<all_lauguanges>/modules/shipping


Change the file canadapost.php or province.php or such (depends on which mod you have)



BTW -Canada Post owns more than 50% of Purolator....


hmm... no can find dude, there ain't nuthin in canadapost.php but a few defines


still lookin


thanks for the reply tho...


the text is in: catalog/includes/modules/shipping/canadapost.php


I think the Purolator quote, and all the other quotes and accompanying text for that matter, are pulled in from the Canada Post server, and therefore can't be commented out.


anyone have any info on this?


gotta get rid of purolator


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