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The e-commerce.

Am I copyright compliant???


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Can someone with experience please check this site and tell me if it's compliant with the copright? I believe the theme is different enough from the osCommerce original, but just in case I left the copyright intact, I just made it smaller.


Please let me know if I misunderstand the meaning of the following Frequently Asked Questions entry on the osCommerce support site:





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Reasons why I think that it requires the copyright:


1. Retains original header images (with the my account, cart, and checkout links). At minimum, you need to replace all the original images that are not public domain. This also includes the buttons (add to cart, reviews, etc.) and the table_background images.


2. Retains the default layout (with color changes). To me, this is still recognizably an osCommerce layout. The layout is header with a navigation bar, footer with an info bar, left and right columns with infoboxes (each with a header), and a center content area. On many of the pages, the content area is still completely stock.


To tell you the truth, you're only just started. What have you changed? Header logo, background, box header colors. Something like

Based on design copyright 2003 by osCommerce

Modifications copyright 2003 moltenimages.net

would be appropriate. You can get rid of the osCommerce banner if you want (rather than shrinking it). Also, the Powered by is separate from the copyright; you may remove it unless you are posting in the My Store forum for comments. Note: you can't display your copyright larger than the osCommerce copyright (you aren't now; just forestalling in case it might come to mind).


I realize that you feel you've done a lot of work already, but a complete layout is not a small job. A pro might put 20 or 30 hours into a complete redesign (about half of that for implementation). If you are still learning, it could take much longer.




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OK, I agree with all of that. I wasn't trying to take a lot of credit for myself, or take it away from the osCommerce project. Just want to avoid distracting viewers with a big osCommerce logo. Sounds like I'm OK so far, and if I understand you correctly (feel free to correct me again, though), I can remove the logo altogether at this point, and be compliant.


Thanks a bunch.

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You can remove the BANNER (logo as you said it). As Yet - you can not remove the Copywrite or link. As long as that SINGLE LINE exist without MODIFICATION - your compliant. You can ADD/change below it if you feal that you should add something - however - changing colors/sizes is not enuf to ADD copywrite - except for your LOGO and maybe product pics.



Copyright ? 2003 osCommerce

Logo and Pics are Copywright ? 2003 MoltemImages.net


If you want to really change things - change all graphics and use BTS or STS (or manually) to change the layout around. Maybe "WRAP" your infoboxs with your OWN graphics. (See contributions: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1702 or http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1680)


Good Luck

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Hey, thanks so much for the advice. I'm not rying to create my own copyrighted site, ust to make it personal, rather than looking very generic. That's the only reason for shrinking the copyright notice. I'll still want to try your suggestions.


Thanks again.



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