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Purchase without account


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We've been using purchase without account contribution for a little while now, and its come to my attention that if a user uses the PWA (order without signing up) for their first order, they subsequently cannot use the same email address either for creating an account, or ordering again without an account. I remember seeing a big thread on this and the general principles of ordering without an account recently, but I've lost the link.


How can i let customers become return customers so they can either use the PWA contrib, or sign up for our site? Can anyone direct me to the thread (which discussed not using the email address as a unique index, or something?) or to a solution? Would guest account solve the problem?


( It would be much easier to solve problems if the forum search engine was actually useful, and indeed the contributions search, too :\ )

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Holy cow batman...I am having the same problem! I also 2nd the problem with searching the forums and contributions...I rarely find what I want, and have better luck just browsing the most recent posts. :(


There is a 2nd major problem that's related here; when a user encouters this problem, there is no indication that there is a problem...they are just returned to the login page.


This problem of no error indicators (as here, or if a credit card is declined, etc, etc.) is a major support issue for us after only 1/2 week of running OSC...

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Holy cow batman...I am having the same problem! I also 2nd the problem with searching the forums and contributions...I rarely find what I want, and have better luck just browsing the most recent posts. :(


There is a 2nd major problem that's related here; when a user encouters this problem, there is no indication that there is a problem...they are just returned to the login page.


This problem of no error indicators (as here, or if a credit card is declined, etc, etc.) is a major support issue for us after only 1/2 week of running OSC...

What i do when someone uses pwa I i edit the order by writing down the email address of the person and insert any text that resembled en email address in the email field and the person will be able to use pwa again. the only problem with this you have to keep doing that any time a person uses pwa. I hope that will help you.

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That does help, mainly to convince me to remove hte PWA mod; I don't have the time available for the problems it causes. (Note to PWA creator, this is not a detraction from your work, it's more of a side-effecct of the interesting design decision within OSC to hide or ignore errors)

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I imagine one could add a messagestack to the page for sign up errors, I just don't have the time at the moment to look at doing it. Hence my quest to find a suitable solution. Jeanmich, how can you tell when someone has used PWA? In MS2.2 afaik it looks just like another sign up for a proper account...

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When pwa is used the order will be listed in your admin in the order section, however, there will be no record for that person under customer.

There is another contribution call: Guest Account v2.2 MS2 that offers simular features. I did not try it yet so I can tell you anything about it. You can download it at: http://www.oscommerce.com/communit<a href="y/contributions,1511">

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When pwa is used the order will be listed in your admin in the order section, however, there will be no record for that person under customer.

THE CONTRIBUTION WORKS FINE! The problem is that we did not follow the installation instruction correctly. I made the same mistake. the following instructions must be inserted into the database.


Database changes new as of v0.57


INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1);


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');


After I went over the installation program and followed all the instructions everything works fine.

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