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US state sales tax


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Perhaps it was disscussed here before, but I couldn't find anything on the subject.


In my situation, in the USA, I have to charge State sales tax only if ship in my state. If I sell outside the state, I don't have to.


First thing that I need is the selection of State from the pulldown menu instead of typing it in. Then adding the the sales tax, but only if the delivery address is in my state.


Are the any mods for it?

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You don't need a mod... Just create a zone for your state and assign a tax class to it. Then OSC will automatically charge tax if the zone matches the customer's state.

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But the name of state is typed it and not selected from the list. So customer can type, let's say, NJ or New Jersey and can also misspell it. How do I deal with this problem?

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