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Reset Products Viewed Report


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Under Reports/Products Viewed, I can I reset the numbers back to 0?


I have been testing my new website and some of the numbers are pretty high. I'm now ready to go live and I want to get accurate results.


Thanks for any help,



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Goto contributions and search for empty.


There are quite a few good contributions which will clear your database of sample entries and reset all counters.


To name a few:

1. Empty Database

2. Empty Store SQL file


Hope this helps...

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Thanks for the help, moonstone.


I looked at a couple of the contributions you sited. However, it seems they delete/reset more than I want.


I did however find the variable that I was looking for. products_viewed in the products_description table. But what would the proper command be to reset just that variable and not the whole table? I know I could edit each item individually now that I know where the variable is, but with hundreds of products, this could be time consuming.




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