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Hiding Products till called


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I wanted to have gift vouchers called only from an infobox I created and not in any of the categories or the ctaegory list in the left column.... the problem was that it didn't fit any of the categories so I couldn't stick it there, nor could I create another category cuz that would show in the left column.. disabling the product (which autmotically hides it from product listing) would simply defeat the purpose... so I did the obvious... I just added to the "top" level


Thing is.. OSCOMMERCE will NOT list products on ANY page that has categories... so because "top" has all my categories the products are automatically hidden until I call them from my Infobox!


this should work with subcategories too..


check it out at http://www.digisolvit.com/store


I hid the gift vouchers :)

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