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Flags and currencies


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The never ending story about flags, languages and currencies.


In the case of the flag from the kingdom of Belgium, which language would you like to see on yr screen?

Or theother way around, the Canadian flag, pls. which language do you like to see?

Or in the case of *english* spoken should we than put all the flags of the countries where english is spoken and as such only 1 language?


Pls. inform the whole world and surprise us with yr ultimate solution.

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This is a non-problem. The flags are for languages, for currencies there is a drop-down menu, and they are independent. You can be in Spanish with the dollar or the euro, or German with the peso, or whatever.

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The flags are for languages, for currencies there is a drop-down menu, and they are independent.
No, each language has a default currency (so changing your language can change your currency, depending on configuration). The default currency for english is USD (American $). This is confusing when the flag is British. Another problem is that the language pack with the British flag uses American spellings which is also non-intuitive (and not as easily fixed).


I also don't see any reason why the existence of multi-lingual countries should prevent the near trivial fix of replacing the flag in this case. No, it won't make the system perfect...just better. The strongest reason not to make the change is that the American flag (with its 50 white stars and 13 stripes) does not shrink well. The only decent icons that I have seen actually show just part of the flag (on an angle).


A larger solution would be to switch things the other way. Set currency with flags, as, on average, countries tend to have fewer currencies than languages (does the European Community have its own flag, separate from that of the member countries? that would simplify things if it does); set language by name, as many countries have multiple languages. Also, aside from the European Community, most currencies are used in just one country (at least officially). Or set both by name (isn't there a contribution or a Tip & Trick for this?).




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Using an american flag to the us-english language is not wrong.

Using the british flag is.


As for currencies the french and spanish flag may well share the same default currency.


The main issue was targeted to the default innstall where there is a british flag with the default of USD ($).

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Some where I had posted a (very detailed) possable solutions on this.


Duplicate/copy the lauguage files - change default currency and flag....


Copy to like english-cn.php and \english-cn\*.* for Canadian Funds (with Canadian Flag)

Copy to like english-us.php and \english-us\*.* for US Funds (with a US Flag)



In Addition

Canadian-English - use Canadian flag or a half Canadian/Union Jack (British flag) (with an English language pack)

Canadian-French - use Fleu du leaf (sp?-Quebec flag) or a half Canadian/Fleu du leaf or use a half of the French flag (with an French language pack)

Both "default" currency in CN$


OR copy the country flag to each langauge then "water mark" each copy with the ISO language ID or Full language name - ie: EN-English FI-Finnish ES-Spanish etc...


Good Luck

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