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New Products - a dilemma


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I have modified my new products design a little, but although the New Products box and design works excellently in my main categories, I would like to change the layout for the main index page only.


Ideally I would like a similar box, but one that just lists my 5 main categories, like my left column box, albeit with images.


Any ideas on how I can go about implementing this without ruining the New Products design for the rest of the site ???





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The index.php page is actually three different pages. The 'nested' page shows the subcategories of a category; this is probably where you will want to get the code to display the categories and images. The 'products' page displays a product listing. The 'top' page (also called welcome, default, or main index) displays the welcome message. The call to new products is different on each page, so you can replace just the one that you want with a new contentBox. You can copy includes/modules/new_products.php to something like includes/modules/top_categories.php and include that instead.




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Have created a top_categories file, with the idea that it will take the place of the New Products box, but only on the first page. The top_categories file will just be my 5 main categories, with image and title-link, same design as my New Products.


The idea is that when you go into the categories, the New Products box will work as normal.


But I'm scratching my head at how to implement it all.

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You can have both category and subcategory name shown on center page by modifying some codes as stated in oscDOC. Go find it at oscdoc->catalog->Text changes->Category Name in Text Area


Good luck

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