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how do you guys deal with your images?


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How do you guys deal with your images?


I have thousands of images of different sizes, if I set them width and height, they strech and look unclear, if not, they are of different size and the layout looks bad.


How do you guys deal with your images? Is there a contribution that will automaticaly resize the images propotionaly and center it? such as the gallery pictures used by eBay?





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I personally have it resize to specific WIDTH, and have it calculate the HEIGHT for me. That way they all look right for my site. Depending on your images and your site your WIDTH or your HEIGHT will be the one you want to lock in.


To do this you go to the Images Configuration in the Admin area of your OSC. There you set either the WIDTH or the HEIGHT of all three types, SMALL, HEADING, and SUBCATEGORY. Then you blank out the other value for each pair. That means you ERASE the value so that it has nothing there, not even a space. DO NOT USE ZERO.


Example from my site:

Small Image Width            75
Small Image Height

Heading Image Width          100
Heading Image Height

Subcategory Image Width      100
Subcategory Image Height

Calculate Image Size         true
Image Required               false


I hopes you out. You can check out how my images are displayed on my site if you want. I have over 2200 products, almost all with an image: Arely Art Online Store



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I have done it the hard way, by resizing everything in photoshop to a specific size. If it won't resize without distorting, I make the canvas larger and same colour as the background of the image. Takes a lot of fiddling about, but works well and everything stays uniform..



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)

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I have also set my values to 0 so the browser calculates the size of the images. I would prefer to specify height and width for each image so that the browser doesn't have to work harder but you can't have everything.


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Thanks all, I searched th contribution and found a image_resize, tried it but haven't worked it out so far. But your ways don't fits my situation. To process thousands of images in photoshop, that takes too long. to let the images be itself, the layout looks bad.

Have you tried the method I described? Clear out either the height or width in the admin config and setting only the other one. This requires no image processing and to most sites it is the WIDTH that needs to be constrained so the pages stay constrained to an average browser.


I too have thousands of images, and I didn't re-process any of mine.

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Thanks, but the picture striches and it looks unclear. I'll look into that image resize contribution and see if I can make something out of it, I'll let you guys know sometime next week.

Then you are doing something wrong. The method I stated forces one dimension, and it calculates the other so that it is the correct ratio. It should only look smaller not streched.


Regardless... good luck...

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How do you guys deal with your images?


I have thousands of images of different sizes, if I set them width and height, they strech and look unclear, if not, they are of different size and the layout looks bad.


How do you guys deal with your images? Is there a contribution that will automaticaly resize the images propotionaly and center it? such as the gallery pictures used by eBay?





This is how I deal with some of them Click on more pics once you get there


I don't know if this is an option for you or not.

Best Regards

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This is how I deal with some of them Click on more pics once you get there


I don't know if this is an option for you or not.

Everything looks fine. The tumbnail is not distored, just smaller than the larger version. So do the other images I saw on your site.


The "More Pics" link is a good idea when you have alot of images to show.


If you are manually making sure your images are at a ratio that works with 100x80 since all your tumbnails are 100x80, this is just alot of work.


Detail of the way I have it configured, and it is just set it and forget it:


First undo what ever you did to get where you are. Then go to ADMIN >> CONFIGURATION >> IMAGES if you set the SMALL IMAGE WIDTH to 100 and then edit the SMALL IMAGE HEIGHT and clear it out to nothing, not 0 not a space, but just delete everything and the click UPDATE.


This will now autocalculate the height to match the width while still being locked to the same size ratio, so that the image only looks smaller.


To see an example of this on at my store check out this product:


Scallop Tag Combo (Large Die)



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How did you do the click to enlarge popup pictures?

I didn't do anything, it is built into OSC. You give your products an image and the rest is taken care of by OSC. I can only speak for OSC 2.2 MS2.

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