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I'm currently working on translating osCommerse, and it's a paint to do it, because it's so many repeats and too many files to translate.

In my opinion it's not necessarily to repeat the definations, and it's getting a bit annoying to translate the same word in f.ex 6 different files. I mean when you've translated one word or setance it should be unecessary to repeat it.


I've come up with a suggestion:


// Account Translation

$text['account']['title'] = "My Account"; // Instead of defining it use variables/arrays

$text['account]['header'] = "Account Information";

$text['account]['overview'] = "Overview";


// Seach Translation

$text['search']['title'] = "Advanced Search";

$text['search']['searc_result'] = "Search Results";


etc. etc.


I'm sure there is better solutions, but I want to point it out anyway.


Good luck =)


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