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Any clues as to why it would run slow.


I have a robust system, only a few sites (no major traffic) but all requests through osComm take a long time to load.


The rest of my pages load fast as lightning.


THanks for any ideas.

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Could be any number of a thousand different things.


Without posting a URL that people can look at, you can't possibly hope to get an answer.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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Well depends what you mean by slow as well. Is it response time? Is it actual time to download the pages? What is it exactly.


I mustr say that the pages generated by OSC are a bit meaty for my liking but if yo use the caching and gzip it's a little better.


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also be aware that I am on the same physical network as the box, and the load times are SLOW... I am not sure what is taking so long. Like I said all the other sites on the box are running rather quickly.

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Yeah, that looks like a problem. It's not OSCommerce , though. I've seen sites with more porducts than you have load in just a second or two.


Could be your host.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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This is hosted on my box here (at my house).


I apologize for the lag.


Could it be a problem with the way I loaded my products?


I only have content in the










Do I need it elsewhere?


Also do you know if there is a printable map of the db somewhere. The one in PDF is too small to read.

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I tried to look at your site. With a 768k cable modem, it took 10s+ to start downloading. After 30s there were still 24 items to go. No graphics had dislayed yet.


I'm curious, does your server have a "turbo" button on it? :wink:


Sorry I can't offer any suggestions. A quick glance at view source didn't show anything obvious there.


I haven't seen any data but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that a database of 370,000 products would require a more unique solution.

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mikes - thanks for the input. The puter is a home machine (robust but not a server)


I am working on affording a better solution harware wise.


I am also working on my own cart. Unfortunately my client doesnt think the same as me and he doesn't want to wait for my to have a big enough opening to build one.



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Rather than stab in the dark, open up includes/functions/database.php and add

error_log("$query"); before the return in tep_db_query. Tail your error log and you can see whats taking so long. Then grep for whatever calls are troublesome in the code and change them. And make sure you've got indexes on your WHERE keys.




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I really don't think the problem is your product count. Pages with complex tables and images in those tables take time to load. The problem with HTML in most browsers, is that before the table will load, all of the images in that table have to load first. So to speed up the load time. Use lowsrc="images/clear.gif" in your image source. Make sure to upload an image that is clear, 1 x 1 pixels in size. That way it cannot be seen while loading.


This is an old trick but it still works great on any site using tables, that include images. I know it is a lot of modification to make it work in OS, but once you do some speed tests you will see.

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So to speed up the load time. Use lowsrc="images/clear.gif" in your image source. Make sure to upload an image that is clear, 1 x 1 pixels in size.
No uploading necessary; that's what images/pixel_trans.gif does.


Product counts is useful during initial debugging but should not be used in a live store with a lot of selections.


In admin > Configuration > Logging, you can check how long it takes to parse the page. High numbers in that log suggest that the problem is server side: post counts, etc. Low numbers with slow loading times suggest that it is a transfer issue: large images, etc.




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