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Getting Weird Errors... Can Some Help PLEASE!


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I have a recentely installed version on Oscommerce installed on my FTP server via Fantasico...




When ever you go to place an order it goes through all the processes expect when it gets to the Order confirmation I get the following :


Billing Address (Edit)


Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/host132/public_html/products/includes/functions/general.php on line 42


Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/host132/public_html/products/includes/functions/general.php on line 42


Payment Method (Edit)




So I went back and tried to enter a different address on the previous page where it says " Change Address " and this is what I got :


1062 - Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 1


insert into address_book (customers_id, entry_firstname, entry_lastname, entry_street_address, entry_postcode, entry_city, entry_country_id) values ('1', 'john', 'doe', '1287 a st', '70461', 'covington', '223')





Please help me out with this one.. I am so stumped... If you want goto www.rc-wholesale.com and log in as a test customer and try to place an order.. watch what happens.. Any help would be great...

Also under the My store under the admin area I am getting this Below " My Store " and above the Edit boxes PLEASE HELP



Warning: Missing argument 2 for tep_get_zone_name() in /home/host132/public_html/products/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 270


Warning: Missing argument 3 for tep_get_zone_name() in /home/host132/public_html/products/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 270


Getting Weird Error?? Can someone Help, htmlspecialchars() expects parameterGetting Weird Error?? Can someone Help, htmlspecialchars() expects parameter

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stephen Culotta: It seems to be mixing of files of the 2 versions of osCommerce.


2.2CVS and MS2 functions are different. So it seems that your catalog files and /includes/functions files are not compatible with each other.


you may try uninstall and then install oscommerce again.

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