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The e-commerce.

Tax, shipping, total price, paypal, paypalipn


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I have installed osc2.2ms2 at my site and added paypalipn to the payment module. Before my grant opening, I am testing and running my store now mainly through the ordering (add to the cart), checkout, payment selection, order confirmation, and payment transaction to order completion process. I set three payment options for customers: check/money_order, paypal, and paypalipn. During the testing runs, I found the following problems/errors:


1. I charge sales tax and shipping cost for every order (I set tax rate and shipping cost in Admin fine). It showed up OK at first glance in an order of sub-total, shipping, tax, and total price. But then, after looking into each charge number displayed, I found the tax amount is always calculated by multiplying the tax rate to the amount of (sub-total + shipping), not the supposed sub-total only. I am confused what is in the law that the sales tax is applicable to product price (sub-total) only or to (product price + shipping)? Please anybody verify this.


2. When I choose paypal (not paypalipn) to pay the order and click "confirm order", it goes to paypal secured page fine. But, to my shock, the amount shown there in paypal page is always a total of (sub-total + shipping), less tax from the total price shown at my store! (I have set 0.00 for shipping and tax at my paypal account, expecting paypal to request the same total-price payment shown at my store from my customers.) Why is this? How can I resolve it? Help please!


3. When I choose paypalipn to pay and click "confirm order", I got the "This page cannot be found!...." note. I have double-checked my installation of paypalipn and couldn't find anything to cause this error. Can anyone shed me a light here? Thanks a lot.



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Just want to update my new progress:


Problem1: solved by setting "tax shipping" to "false" in Admin shipping module


Problem2: solved by setting "tax" as sorting order 2 and "shipping" as sort order 3 in Admin order-total module; also setting tax charge to "$0" in paypal account, but setting same shipping charge in paypal acc as in Admin shipping module.


Problem3: still unsolved.


Any idea to the 3rd problem? Thanks



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