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SSL -> your is cart empty


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I have a shop that works fine, except when i enable SSL. When i do this, and the user attempts to purchase the contents of their cart, osC reports that the cart is empty. I have not encounterred this situation before, the server version of php is 4.3.3


It appears to me that something happens in either the login process, or the switch from http -> https. Can anyone point me to any resources that explain this sitauion?, or suggest a way to get around this problem. The seesion id remains the same in the https & https, but the cart sees not to be retained.


osC ver: ms2

PHP ver: 4.3.3

Sever: linux

osC sessions: mysql




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I am just about to complete a site - and I found that I had the same problem!


I have a feeling that the problem lies within the way sessions are handled.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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After a bit of playing around with the session settings in admin, If I set the "Force Cookies" setting to FALSE, the store works fine - but the session ID is displayed in the url of course.


Any ideas on this?

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Unfortunately playing around with the session settings has done nothing for me. I still lose the cart upon entering SSL mode. I have seen discussions on this being related to PHP ver 4.3.2 but we are using 4.3.3 could the session problem be due to the php version, or might there be a setting to enable in the php.ini ??



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I have tried a number of combinations in the configuration file, all seem to result in the basket dissappearing in the SSL connection. I have included the current configuration below, if there are any glaring errors, or if it is correct please let me know. Otherwise i will have to assume that there is a problem with the SSL setup or php session handling.


Sessions are handled by mysql, if i switch them to files i keep getting a waring from osC about cookies not being accepted, even though they are!!


  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.domain.com'); 
 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.domain.com');   
 define('ENABLE_SSL', 'true'); 
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.domain.com');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.domain.com'');
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', 'shop/catalog/');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', 'shop/catalog/');


any help appreciated

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  • 1 month later...

ashishXL :


Sorry to have to say that the way that i fixed my problem was to move to another server. It seems like this could be an error in the way that PHP is set up. I have no specific infomation, i moved and it just worked!


Sorry to be no more help! try moving server :)

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