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User Registration to Check Out SSL Problem


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Here is the situation:


new user click on check. then clicks on the new user registration, goes thru the new user registration process, when done gets the page that says an email was sent to them and to click on the continue button.


At this point my url is:




after clicking on the continue button, i get a 404 not found error, and the url is as follows:




As you can see the problem is with the SSL path. The second url is incorrect. IT should have the "dakotariverknives.com" directory in it. But it doesn't. So what do I do and how do i fix this?

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I received a javascript error "Object does not exist." When trying to create an account. When viewing the source from the browser I do not see the form_check javascript in the header.


Do you have this line in create_account.php


<?php require('includes/form_check.js.php'); ?>


If so does the file form_check.js.php exist?

while (!succeed) {try()};


GMT -6:00

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