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Missing corners on my site


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I have just downloaded and started learning osCommerce and have installed STS 1.8. It seems though, that I am missing corners on my Info boxes. I put the default stylesheet.css back, and they are still missing.


Can anyone take a quick look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong? I am still really new to PHP/Stylesheets so I appreiate any help.


Link to Test site: My Test Store

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum, it didn't seem like it belonged in the My Site forum as it's just started, and no where near complete.




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The way I fixed that was, I go into my catalog/images/infoboxes and upload pixel_trans.gif and rename it to the three corner images in that file. One is corner_left.gif one is corner_right_left.gif and I don't remember the other one. Just upload the pixel_trans.gif and rename one at a time.

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It looks like they are definitely there, atleast now. But you have a border on the box and the corner is the wrong color.


Just a little more tweaking, and you will have to change the color of the corners


Also the font is too big, for example - "whats New" wraps, since it does the corners wont fit. Same with the other headings in the title boxes. It looks like there is an extra pixel at the bottom of the corners aside from the border.

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