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how are tax rates calculated?


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Could someone point me to where this is calculated so I can do some Tax Overriding?


Here's what I want to do:


If a retailer from Ontario, Canada buys from my store I want to charge them just Federal Tax as they are eligible for a Provincial Tax exemption. What I've done is, added a "PST #" to the Create Account page, so if the billing address is Ontario, Canada then I'd only apply the Federal Tax Rate.


I dug around for awhile trying to find where the taxes were calculated but I failed. I did find a "tep_get_tax_rate" but I hard coded a value in there, and it wasn't used. It seems my answer should be in order.php, but still I couldn't find it.



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You can always right the Pst exemption number on the invoice after, also you can recalculate the tax after the order is placed, by going to your database then to order totals.


What is you store


just an Idea.

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You can always right the Pst exemption number on the invoice after, also you can recalculate the tax after the order is placed, by going to your database then to order totals.

I'm doing this for a client, and this is how they want it to work. I'm just not sure at which stage the taxes are calculated (which php file)?


Store is: http://www.prideofafricacrafts.com/store/



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FYI - Taxes are calculated here:


includes/functions/general.php in function - tep_get_tax_rate


Thanks for the support



Thanks Justin,


that was exactly what I was looking for (for other reasons though)!

Seems a bit strange to me that this kind of info is so difficult to get sometimes :(



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