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Help with creating mailing list box


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I created a new box, mailinglist.php, that will be displayed in the left column. It's purpose if for a quick sign-up method for the cutomer. Trouble is, I don't know enough about php to do the coding. I came up with two soultions, neither of which work.


First, I used FrontPage to generate a form. I copied the code to my mailinglist.php. The code is executed but I think it is looking for a cgi script and it can find it since the form is being executed from within the shop. If I put the same code in my site's index file (outside of the oscommerce shop), it works. Does anyone know how to resolve the path in such a situation? Here's the code just in case.

<form method="POST"  action="--WEBBOT-SELF--" name="mailinglist">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" U-File="http://www.mycandysupplier.com/test/mycandy/_private/form_results.csv" S-Format="TEXT/CSV" S-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Reverse-Chronology="FALSE" S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE" S-Email-Address="[email protected]" B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" S-Builtin-Fields U-Confirmation-Url="http://www.mycandysupplier.com/testmycandy" -->
<p align="center">E-Mail<br><input type="text" name="T1" size="15"><br><br>
  <INPUT type=submit value=Join name=B1> 


The second solution was to copy the contactus.php code, strip it down to just the email part and use that. But, from what I can tell, the code is inserted into an array in mailing.php. When I insert the php code into it, the mailinglist box goes completely away. The way I tried is below.


Can anyone help me with this at all? I've been working on it for weeks and have not made any progress. I can't believe I'm the only one that sees a benifit from having such a box?


$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => 
' <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_input_field('email'); ?></td>

 new infoBox($info_box_contents);

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