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installation into secure area failed


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Hello I'm completely new to this art and have successfully run the auto install but with one persistant failure to install appropriate files to a secure directory. Any advice would be lovely! Thanks - Paul :o

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I've had some encouraging news which I'm going to test today. However here's the advice I received from elsewhere :


"I have checked your web site, and it looks like your secure and not

secure accounts are actually folders on one and the same server, with

the same Linux permissions set on them, but with different Linux users

owning them.


We already had a similar situation on another customer's site.


I suggest creating the so called symbolic Linux file system link

instead of "brighto1secure" folder, which will be pointing to the main

folder of the site. Let me know if your hosting provider needs us to

send them the Linux command line for this - we would be pleased to be

of help."


In fact what I did was to ask my ISP tech support to fix this. He has done so and I'm now off to see if I can re install. Wish me luck !

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