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billing address change not working.


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When a customer clicks on change address for billing and goes through to change it the address book works fine and on the site everything looks fine all the way to submition. But on authorize.net it shows the old address was used for billing address evan though it was changed and show'd to be changed on the site. I dont get this has anyone else had this problem? is there a simple fix? the problem seems to be beofre aithnet_direct.php is used becouse the code for it looks right. Now the other weird thing is when they change the shipping address it does change. So I am really stumped on that one.

Thank you,

? ? ? ? Marc Seiler


? ? ? ?

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I'm having the same difficulty... has anyone solved this? The problem is that the reference to:

x_First_Name => "{$order->customer['firstname']}",

x_Last_Name => "{$order->customer['lastname']}",

x_Address => "{$order->customer['street_address']}",

x_City => "{$order->customer['city']}",

x_State => "{$order->customer['state']}",

x_Zip => "{$order->customer['postcode']}",


is not being updated when the users chooses a different billing address. I'm guessing the $order variable needs to be changed to something else...


any ideas.


thanks, all help is appreciated.


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Her Marc,

I've solved this problem... the problem is with the variable "$order->customer['street_address'] and so on... they should be $order->billing['street_address']... here is exactly what I'm doing...


x_First_Name => "{$order->customer['firstname']}",

x_Last_Name => "{$order->customer['lastname']}",

x_Address => "{$order->billing['street_address']}",

x_City => "{$order->billing['city']}",

x_State => "{$order->billing['state']}",

x_Zip => "{$order->billing['postcode']}",

x_Country => 'United States',

x_Phone => "{$order->customer['telephone']}",

x_Email => "{$order->customer['email_address']}",

x_Ship_To_First_Name => "{$order->delivery['firstname']}",

x_Ship_To_Last_Name => "{$order->delivery['lastname']}",

x_Ship_To_Address => "{$order->delivery['street_address']}",

x_Ship_To_City => "{$order->delivery['city']}",

x_Ship_To_State => "{$order->delivery['state']}",

x_Ship_To_Zip => "{$order->delivery['postcode']}",

x_Ship_To_Country => 'United States',


Note the arrays... "customer", "billing" and "delivery"... If you follow this, your billing problem should be fixed... atleast it worked for me.


Thanks and good luck.



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