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I need some php wizard's help...


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:o I just installed a "phpBB2" forum download for our site. Everything went smoothly with the installation, and there appear to be no database issues whatsoever.

The problem is, in our footer, we have links to various pages on our site, and this is where we want the link to our forums. But...

When I try to insert the code for the "tep href link" in footer.php, it does not work.

The bit of code is:


  <a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_FORUM_PHPBB2_INDEX, '', 'NONSSL'); ?>" class="headerNavigation"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_FORUM; ?></td>


The directory for this forum [file] is:




And the includes/languages/english.php reads:


define('HEADER_TITLE_FORUM', 'forums');<---no problems here


Is this not linking properly because of a missing application_top.php define?

I tried adding the file define as "define('FILENAME_FORUM_PHPBB2_INDEX', 'index.php');" to application_top.php without success.

Do I need to move everything into a different directory? I know that's not difficlut to do, but I just don't understand why the tep href link isn't "seeing" the link to this page, even though I can type it out in the address bar and everything is peachy.


WHAT am I missing or doing wrong?

Please help :).

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