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The e-commerce.

Cannot reach Canada Post Server


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I am using Canadian Shipping module and I been getting

the following error msg all the time


Cannot reach Canada Post Server. You may refresh this page (Press F5 on your keyboard) to try again.


SOme one please advise me how to correct this? or this is a server issue that canada post have to rectify?


I have the same problem. It's like, we don't send the correct format.


If you try this in a browser,


you will get this

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!DOCTYPE eparcel (View Source for full doctype...)>

- <eparcel>

- <error>


<statusMessage>The connection timed out.</statusMessage>







I add in the shipping module a 'echo' to see the message error and it was Connection timed out.



If you try this

an example from Canada post site, I got a correct answer


I think the problem in the module. It's like the format (api) changed.

Hope any can comments this thread.




Another point to check :

Check if your hosting provider permit the socket communcation on port 30 000?


Will Sell Online work if there is a firewall between Sell Online?s server and I ?


Yes. You have to inform your system administrator that you need to perform TCP (not UDP) socket communication between your computer and the Sell Online server (IP adress= Port:30000). He will need to reconfigure your company?s firewall to allow you such operation.


I debug the format of xml in canadapost module and it likes correct, so,

I'm checking with my web hosting provider this point.


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