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Recover Cart Sales


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I love this tool!! Very handy. However, I am having one odd problem with the "report" part of the tool: It lists all the abandoned carts as coming from the SAME customer! Digging into the code a bit to see what might be causing this, but I wanted to post in case others have had this same issue.





yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I'm working it.... The report portion of the tool needs some work and I want to make it more useful. As it is, it's about 1/3 of what I want. Look for a new release of the "report" portion in the end of January (I hope).

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Actually, I finally realized after looking at the code that it is displaying which users have placed orders AFTER they had abandoned their carts. (right??)


Thanks for the update, overall you have one VERY VERY useful tool!!



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Actually, I finally realized after looking at the code that it is displaying which users have placed orders AFTER they had abandoned their carts. (right??)



The goal of the report was to see who came in and completed the order after they were contacted.

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I have Recovery installed and works very fine, but i have a question.

- My store is in english, spanish & portuguese but if i send the recovery sales email to a customer its always send in Spanish.

How can i do that the email is sent in the language the user has selected to view the web?? its possible?




P.D. If you need any translation from english to spanish just email me.

[email protected]


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- My store is in english, spanish & portuguese but if i send the recovery sales email to a customer its always send in Spanish.

How can i do that the email is sent in the language the user has selected to view the web?? its possible?

yes, it is possible. It would require that you check for the customers language and then select that language file. A three line kluge to the send-mail routine at most.

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This tool is simply amazing.........

Having problems with the a temperamental World Pay integration though when combined with the Master Password addition its easy enough to recover these sales.

One thing ive noticed though.

If I have say 20 orders to recover and each order is the same with inc the attributes then each customer will show the product plus 20x the attributes below....

The report is starting to get a bit out of hand as a result.......

The easy option of course it to run the report with the attributes OFF though I was wondering if any other used have the same problem.



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Yes, this goes into the hall of oscommerce fame..haha.I believe this is one of the few contributions I am willing to give a donation too..They shared their hard work and help to make more sales..I love this...


not sure about your problem..I want to install more contributions, but afraid something will cause problems..we should start a side list of contribs that seem to work okay with recover cart..

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Yes, this goes into the hall of oscommerce fame..haha.I believe this is one of the few contributions I am willing to give a donation too..They shared their hard work and help to make more sales..I love this...


not sure about your problem..I want to install more contributions, but afraid something will cause problems..we should start a side list of contribs that seem to work okay with recover cart..

geee, that's the nicest thing.... :D


the contrib is a stand alone. We do create one new table, but we don't do anything with your existing tables (other than read them).

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  • 3 weeks later...



I've installed the mod and everything seems to be working, but I'm receiving an error message when I try to send a e-mail to a customer.


Here's the recover_cart_sales.php error:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1000 order by cb.customers_basket_date_added desc' at line 1


select cb.products_id pid, cb.customers_basket_quantity qty, cb.customers_basket_date_added bdate, cus.customers_firstname fname, cus.customers_lastname lname, cus.customers_email_address email from customers_basket cb, customers cus where cb.customers_id = cus.customers_id and cus.customers_id = '1000 order by cb.customers_basket_date_added desc




Thanks! :D

Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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I could be wrong, but it looks like you might have the trailing ' missing from your select statement - it should look like '1000'


Take a look at (in recover_cart_sales.php):


$query1 = tep_db_query("select    cb.products_id pid,
                                   cb.customers_basket_quantity qty,
                                   cb.customers_basket_date_added bdate,
                                   cus.customers_firstname fname,
                                   cus.customers_lastname lname,
                                   cus.customers_email_address email
                         from      " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET . " cb,
                                   " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " cus
                         where     cb.customers_id = cus.customers_id  and
                                   cus.customers_id = '".$cid."'
                         order by  cb.customers_basket_date_added desc ");


and make sure the cus.customers_id = '".$cid."' bit hasn't lost the ' or " on the right of .$cid.




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Hi Pixxi,


Your post fixed the error message B), but the e-mail still doesn't get sent to the customer? :(


Any ideas?


Thanks! :D

Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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It's late and I'm tired so this is probably a stupid question. In the readme instructions it has the following:


Edit /catalog/admin/includes/filenames.php and add:


define('FILENAME_RECOVER_CART_SALES', 'recover_cart_sales.php');

define('FILENAME_REPORT_RECOVER_CART_SALES', 'stats_recover_cart_sales.php');

define('FILENAME_CATALOG_LOGIN', 'login.php');



Edit /catalog/admin/includes/application_top.php and add:


define('FILENAME_RECOVER_CART_SALES', 'recover_cart_sales.php');

define('FILENAME_REPORT_RECOVER_CART_SALES', 'stats_recover_cart_sales.php');

define('FILENAME_CATALOG_LOGIN', 'login.php');

define('TABLE_SCART', 'scart');


So does this mean if I am running MS1 I would skip 4a and goto 4b?


Sorry for this question



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If you download the latest version of the mod (v1.3.6a) it has updated install instructions which makes the process clearer ... here


GD: My system is running locally at present so I can't test emails. Perhaps if you post more information about the problem someone who has a live system may be able to help you.



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GD: My system is running locally at present so I can't test emails. Perhaps if you post more information about the problem someone who has a live system may be able to help you.


Thanks for your input. :)




The problem that I'm having is: :(


On the admin/recover_cart_sales.php page I select with a check mark the customer I want to send a e-mail to, but when I click on the Send E-mail button only the database gets updated, no e-mail is sent to the customer???


I'm running Recover Cart Sales 1.3.6a

Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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On the admin/recover_cart_sales.php page I select with a check mark the customer I want to send a e-mail to, but when I click on the Send E-mail button only the database gets updated, no e-mail is sent to the customer???

The system uses the tep_mail function. The same function used in order.php where I lifted the format from.


If you orders.php is sending e-mail, then recover_carts should be as well.

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Excuse me for being as thick as two shorty planks but I'm trying to install this contrib and being a complete MySQL novice i'm having trouble creating the required table.

I'm using phpMyAdmin but cannot find where I should/can create a table.

I have five tabs at the top of the screen: STRUCTURE, SQL, EXPORT, SEARCH & QUERY. None of these seems to have an option to add a table.


Anyone here fancy giving me some advice?





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Excuse me for being as thick as two shorty planks but I'm trying to install this contrib and being a complete MySQL novice i'm having trouble creating the required table.

I'm using phpMyAdmin but cannot find where I should/can create a table.

I have five tabs at the top of the screen: STRUCTURE, SQL, EXPORT, SEARCH & QUERY. None of these seems to have an option to add a table.


Anyone here fancy giving me some advice?







it will ask you if you want to insert the sql or upload the sql file. upload the sql file and it will create the new table.

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Excuse me for being as thick as two shorty planks but I'm trying to install this contrib and being a complete MySQL novice i'm having trouble creating the required table.

I'm using phpMyAdmin but cannot find where I should/can create a table.

I have five tabs at the top of the screen: STRUCTURE, SQL, EXPORT, SEARCH & QUERY. None of these seems to have an option to add a table.


Anyone here fancy giving me some advice?







it will ask you if you want to insert the sql or upload the sql file. upload the sql file and it will create the new table.

Thanks, I got it sorted now!

Is there any option/chance of a tool that will let me see carts that have been abandoned by un-registered visitors to the site?



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Is there any option/chance of a tool that will let me see carts that have been abandoned by un-registered visitors to the site?

No. Unregistered carts are meaningless as there is no contact information associated to the cart data. Now, there is cart data stored with the session IDs (if you have the user tracking mod installed, that mod makes use of that information), but it's not very useful for a sale unless you really like to look at what people are picking up and not buying so you can try to determine why they did that (ie: are you overpriced in the market space on those items). But without the ability to get feedback on why it was abandoned, there isn't a great deal you can really learn from this process.


Just my $0.02.

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Thanks for your reply, but this mod would not work for me. I've uninstalled it for now. :rolleyes:



Running osC - 2.2MS2. P.S. Please don't ask for a link to my site, it is on a production server and not available for the general public, yet!

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I came across a site that uses an excellent method of lost cart recovery. Go to http://www.novica.com. Put something in your cart and close the window. OPen a new window and put something else in your cart. Now you'll see under the item in your cart it will have a section saying "Item's previously in your cart" with the item you initially abandoned. Very elegant way of recovering a sale. People who come back to your site will have a list of things they have been interested in the past but never bought. Classy and subtle.


I'm sure this would be a mixture of this contribution with the X-Sell contribution (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1773) and cookie usage. Anybody like this idea?

Edited by dimports
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