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Recover Cart Sales


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After installing RecoverCartSales 2.30a everything seems ok, but I get no results and the scart table is empty.


I get no errors anywhere. I have verified the installing instructions a couple of times and I have made no mistakes, so I'm absolutely lost.


What I do is:


In the admin > tools > Recover Cart Sales, I press GO button. I get no erros, but the result page is the same as before pressing the button.


After, I go to admin > Reports > Recovered Sales Results and the page result is ever the same (no result):

Total Recovered: 0% €0,00


The scart table is absolutely empty.


I have paste this SQL into phpmyadmin to test:


select cb.customers_id cid,
							  cb.products_id pid,
							  cb.customers_basket_quantity qty,
							  cb.customers_basket_date_added bdate,
							  cus.customers_firstname fname,
							  cus.customers_lastname lname,
							  cus.customers_telephone phone,
							  cus.customers_email_address email
					   from   customers_basket cb,
							  customers cus
					   where  cb.customers_id = cus.customers_id 
		 order by cb.customers_basket_date_added desc,


I got 1122 records from 20090510 to 20050111 (I have my oscommerce working since january 2005)

There are 4 pending baskets with 30 items in the last week.


I have installed Quick Updates, Who's Online and some shipment and payment gateways modules, but I don't know it any of them can conflict with RecoverCartSales.


My software versions.

osCommerce 2.2-MS2

MySQL 5.0.32-Debian_7etch8-log

PHP Version: 5.2.0-8+etch13 (Zend: 2.2.0)

I have disabled this PHP functions: system, system_exec, passthru, shell, shell_exec, exec, phpinfo, pcntl_exec, dl, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate, popen, pclose.


Any clue?


I have this same problem. I just installed on CRE Loaded 6.2.13.

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  • 1 month later...


After installing RecoverCartSales 2.30a everything seems ok, but I get no results and the scart table is empty.


I get no errors anywhere. I have verified the installing instructions a couple of times and I have made no mistakes, so I'm absolutely lost.


What I do is:


In the admin > tools > Recover Cart Sales, I press GO button. I get no erros, but the result page is the same as before pressing the button.


After, I go to admin > Reports > Recovered Sales Results and the page result is ever the same (no result):

Total Recovered: 0% €0,00


The scart table is absolutely empty.


I have paste this SQL into phpmyadmin to test:


select cb.customers_id cid,
							  cb.products_id pid,
							  cb.customers_basket_quantity qty,
							  cb.customers_basket_date_added bdate,
							  cus.customers_firstname fname,
							  cus.customers_lastname lname,
							  cus.customers_telephone phone,
							  cus.customers_email_address email
					   from   customers_basket cb,
							  customers cus
					   where  cb.customers_id = cus.customers_id 
		 order by cb.customers_basket_date_added desc,


I got 1122 records from 20090510 to 20050111 (I have my oscommerce working since january 2005)

There are 4 pending baskets with 30 items in the last week.


I have installed Quick Updates, Who's Online and some shipment and payment gateways modules, but I don't know it any of them can conflict with RecoverCartSales.


My software versions.

osCommerce 2.2-MS2

MySQL 5.0.32-Debian_7etch8-log

PHP Version: 5.2.0-8+etch13 (Zend: 2.2.0)

I have disabled this PHP functions: system, system_exec, passthru, shell, shell_exec, exec, phpinfo, pcntl_exec, dl, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate, popen, pclose.


Any clue?






I have the same problem using the same version. Has anyone found the problem and a fix?





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i have error and i can't understand what's error

can i help me debug it


i setup contribute Recover Cart Sales and when i change Pending sales statuses and edit

show error


Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\AppServ\www\scandcar.nl\admin\includes\functions\database.php on line 136


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\AppServ\www\scandcar.nl\admin\includes\functions\database.php:136) in C:\AppServ\www\scandcar.nl\admin\includes\functions\general.php on line 22

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If only I could get this interesting contrib. running. I actually need it because some customers are not returning from my payment service (brazilian) but leave the money there, so it would be helpful for me to recover these unfinished carts.

Well, I installed and everything looks fine but when using the tool, I get no results. The page reloads for a while and nothing happens. No error message. Just the same page as before.

Any indication where to start looking would be greatly apreciated.


SQL 4, OSC 2.2 MS2, RCS 2.30 (trying out with all values set to default).



I have the same problem. I would have thought the step by step instructions would be worded better by now. I find them very difficult to follow correctly. About 3 years ago I got an earlier version to work on a customers site. Today I have been working on getting the latest version to work and I am also getting now no carts.


It is annoying to see in the frequently asked questions area that the reason for no carts is that you have not run the tool. I would say that this is the least likely reason.

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  • 1 month later...
I have the same problem. I would have thought the step by step instructions would be worded better by now. I find them very difficult to follow correctly. About 3 years ago I got an earlier version to work on a customers site. Today I have been working on getting the latest version to work and I am also getting now no carts.


It is annoying to see in the frequently asked questions area that the reason for no carts is that you have not run the tool. I would say that this is the least likely reason.



A fantastic contribution for converting more sales. I am looking forward to implementing. I am receiving a warning that I am not sure how to fix though. Your expert advice would be appreciated.


Warning: call_user_func(tep_get_multiple_order_status_names) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home2/doubled1/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1300


Thank you

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gallerygirl -


In /admin/includes/classes/table_block.php change the following line


if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['text']) && tep_not_null(isset($contents[$i][$x]['text']))) {




if (isset($contents[$i][$x]['text']) && isset($contents[$i][$x]['text'])) {


or replace tep_not_null(...) with !is_null(...) in table_block.php.


Tuong & Larry -


Follow the instructions here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6634

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Hi Guys,


Im having a issue with RCS where the address the emails are sent from dont exsist, its simply putting in store@myservername, of course this means i dont get any replys from my would be customers. Does anyone know where the sender address gets populated from or a way of hard codeing in the correct email address?

I dont help with templates (thats what the seller is for)


th search function will often help, when it dont try this in google.


site:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums then your search word

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hello. interesting contrib. setting up an online store now, hope it will get more sales converted! however having this problem when i click on the recover cart sales link in admin


Warning: call_user_func(tep_get_multiple_order_status_names) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in

catalog\admin\includes\functions\general.php on line XXXX


i´ve gone over and reinstalled everything again but have no idea what the problem is. help please? im using version 2.30a

Edited by yaoi
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I have the same problem using the same version. Has anyone found the problem and a fix?




Hi Ben,

we had the same error. It is easy to fix, because i think you didn't follow up the whole installation instruction - STEP 10.


I stopped there first too, because i thought it would be optional an i didn't want to change the tep_get_products_special_price ...


But if you read carefully you will notice that you should copy your actual tep_get_products_special_price from the catalog to the general.php in the admin section and that there is no need to change your own code - just add the function.


Then it worked fine.


Hope this helps

Live is to short to worry

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hello. interesting contrib. setting up an online store now, hope it will get more sales converted! however having this problem when i click on the recover cart sales link in admin


Warning: call_user_func(tep_get_multiple_order_status_names) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in

catalog\admin\includes\functions\general.php on line XXXX


i´ve gone over and reinstalled everything again but have no idea what the problem is. help please? im using version 2.30a



You skipped step 2. You need to install http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/6634

I have moved on from oscommerce to magento and no longer monitoring this site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


I couldn't see if this had been discussed before but I wondered if anyone had linked this to manual order maker, so that when a customer calls and decides to go ahead with their order which is in recover carts, you could with the click of a button make the order a live order on the system?


Is this feasable?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Ben,

we had the same error. It is easy to fix, because i think you didn't follow up the whole installation instruction - STEP 10.


I stopped there first too, because i thought it would be optional an i didn't want to change the tep_get_products_special_price ...


But if you read carefully you will notice that you should copy your actual tep_get_products_special_price from the catalog to the general.php in the admin section and that there is no need to change your own code - just add the function.


Then it worked fine.


Hope this helps



I, too, am having the same problem as Benjjj6 and jcim - have added contribution as per instructions (and completed step 10) and am still getting no results in the Recover Sales Report.

I have placed orders on my website (dummy orders) and logged out (at different stages of the checkout process) leaving the goods in my shopping cart. But still no result in the Recover Sales Report.

I have also changed the Recover Cart Sales Configuration to not skip any days. Have also tried with Show Attributes set to True and False.


Any other ideas?

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Also I get this error in phpMyAdmin "The following indexes appear to be equal and one of them should be removed: PRIMARY, scartid"



I also get the same error in phpmyadmin.


Has anyone been able to figure out what it means?




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I have installed (I believe correctly!) RCS version 2.23a I have set up a test account through the site (dev site), abandoned a cart, then run the report under the Tools menu. The abandoned cart shows up properly, and I click the send email button. I receive the email, but something isn't right as it shows as follows:


EMAIL_TEXT_1EMAIL_TEXT_2EMAIL_TEXT_ACCOUNT http://recreationalmobility.com/CodeTest/account.php'>http://recreationalmobility.com/CodeTest/account.php





1 x Beloved

1 x SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle





Code Testing



I don't understand where or how the info is pulled into the email that is sent.The dev site is installed within a folder called CodeTest under root. Files have been checked three times they are within the correct places, and the correct code changes made.


I've looked through the entire thread and do not see where anyone has had this issue. Can anyone help please? I'm so close! :)) Jim

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I have installed (I believe correctly!) RCS version 2.23a I have set up a test account through the site (dev site), abandoned a cart, then run the report under the Tools menu. The abandoned cart shows up properly, and I click the send email button. I receive the email, but something isn't right as it shows as follows:


EMAIL_TEXT_1EMAIL_TEXT_2EMAIL_TEXT_ACCOUNT http://recreationalmobility.com/CodeTest/account.php'>http://recreationalmobility.com/CodeTest/account.php





1 x Beloved

1 x SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle





Code Testing



I don't understand where or how the info is pulled into the email that is sent.The dev site is installed within a folder called CodeTest under root. Files have been checked three times they are within the correct places, and the correct code changes made.


I've looked through the entire thread and do not see where anyone has had this issue. Can anyone help please? I'm so close! :)) Jim

It seems you have them defines for the EMAIL_TEXT_x missing in your language file includes/languages/english/recover_cart_sales.php

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Thanks for looking at this. The file is there, code below. The odd thing about this one particular file though is that in the contribution download, the file is actually named recover_cart_sales.php.2.23a If left named this way, the code crashes. Renaming the file, (removing the .2.23a off of the end) the file works, except for the emailed portion. Where is this email_text_1 etc coming from? Jim





$Id: recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.6 2005/08/16 20:56:39 lane Exp $

Recover Cart Sales v2.22 ENGLISH Language File


Recover Cart Sales contribution: JM Ivler ©

Copyright © 2003-2005 JM Ivler / Ideas From the Deep / OSCommerce



Released under the GNU General Public License


Modifed by Aalst (recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.2 .. 1.36)

[email protected]


Modifed by willross (recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.4)

[email protected]

- don't forget to flush the 'scart' db table every so often


Modifed by Lane (stats_recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.4d .. 2.22)

[email protected] www.osc-modsquad.com / www.ifd.com



define('MESSAGE_STACK_CUSTOMER_ID', 'Cart for Customer-ID ');

define('MESSAGE_STACK_DELETE_SUCCESS', ' deleted successfully');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Recover Cart Sales v2.22');

define('HEADING_EMAIL_SENT', 'E-mail Sent Report');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_LOGIN', 'Login to your account here:');

define('EMAIL_SEPARATOR', '------------------------------------------------------');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT', 'Inquiry from '. STORE_NAME );

define('EMAIL_TEXT_SALUTATION', 'Dear ' );

define('EMAIL_TEXT_NEWCUST_INTRO', "\n\n" . 'Thank you for stopping by ' . STORE_NAME .

' and considering us for your purchase. ');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_CURCUST_INTRO', "\n\n" . 'We would like to thank you for having shopped at ' .

STORE_NAME . ' in the past. ');


'We noticed that during a visit to our store you placed ' .

'the following item(s) in your shopping cart, but did not complete ' .

'the transaction.' . "\n\n" .

'Shopping Cart Contents:' . "\n\n"




'We are always interested in knowing what happened ' .

'and if there was a reason that you decided not to purchase at ' .

'this time. If you could be so kind as to let us ' .

'know if you had any issues or concerns, we would appreciate it. ' .

'We are asking for feedback from you and others as to how we can ' .

'help make your experience at '. STORE_NAME . ' better.'."\n\n".

'PLEASE NOTE:'."\n".'If you believe you completed your purchase and are ' .

'wondering why it was not delivered, this email is an indication that ' .

'your order was NOT completed, and that you have NOT been charged! ' .

'Please return to the store in order to complete your order.'."\n\n".

'Our apologies if you already completed your purchase, ' .

'we try not to send these messages in those cases, but sometimes it is ' .

'hard for us to tell depending on individual circumstances.'."\n\n".

'Again, thank you for your time and consideration in helping us ' .

'improve the ' . STORE_NAME . " website.\n\nSincerely,\n\n"



define('DAYS_FIELD_PREFIX', 'Show for last ');

define('DAYS_FIELD_POSTFIX', ' days ');

define('DAYS_FIELD_BUTTON', 'Go');











define('TABLE_GRAND_TOTAL', 'Grand Total: ');

define('TABLE_CART_TOTAL', 'Cart Total: ');


define('TEXT_SEND_EMAIL', 'Send E-mail');

define('TEXT_RETURN', '[Click Here To Return]');

define('TEXT_NOT_CONTACTED', 'Uncontacted');

define('PSMSG', 'Additional PS Message: ');


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Thanks for looking at this. The file is there, code below. The odd thing about this one particular file though is that in the contribution download, the file is actually named recover_cart_sales.php.2.23a If left named this way, the code crashes. Renaming the file, (removing the .2.23a off of the end) the file works, except for the emailed portion. Where is this email_text_1 etc coming from? Jim





$Id: recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.6 2005/08/16 20:56:39 lane Exp $

Recover Cart Sales v2.22 ENGLISH Language File


Recover Cart Sales contribution: JM Ivler ©

Copyright © 2003-2005 JM Ivler / Ideas From the Deep / OSCommerce



Released under the GNU General Public License


Modifed by Aalst (recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.2 .. 1.36)

[email protected]


Modifed by willross (recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.4)

[email protected]

- don't forget to flush the 'scart' db table every so often


Modifed by Lane (stats_recover_cart_sales.php,v 1.4d .. 2.22)

[email protected] www.osc-modsquad.com / www.ifd.com



define('MESSAGE_STACK_CUSTOMER_ID', 'Cart for Customer-ID ');

define('MESSAGE_STACK_DELETE_SUCCESS', ' deleted successfully');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Recover Cart Sales v2.22');

define('HEADING_EMAIL_SENT', 'E-mail Sent Report');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_LOGIN', 'Login to your account here:');

define('EMAIL_SEPARATOR', '------------------------------------------------------');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT', 'Inquiry from '. STORE_NAME );

define('EMAIL_TEXT_SALUTATION', 'Dear ' );

define('EMAIL_TEXT_NEWCUST_INTRO', "\n\n" . 'Thank you for stopping by ' . STORE_NAME .

' and considering us for your purchase. ');

define('EMAIL_TEXT_CURCUST_INTRO', "\n\n" . 'We would like to thank you for having shopped at ' .

STORE_NAME . ' in the past. ');


'We noticed that during a visit to our store you placed ' .

'the following item(s) in your shopping cart, but did not complete ' .

'the transaction.' . "\n\n" .

'Shopping Cart Contents:' . "\n\n"




'We are always interested in knowing what happened ' .

'and if there was a reason that you decided not to purchase at ' .

'this time. If you could be so kind as to let us ' .

'know if you had any issues or concerns, we would appreciate it. ' .

'We are asking for feedback from you and others as to how we can ' .

'help make your experience at '. STORE_NAME . ' better.'."\n\n".

'PLEASE NOTE:'."\n".'If you believe you completed your purchase and are ' .

'wondering why it was not delivered, this email is an indication that ' .

'your order was NOT completed, and that you have NOT been charged! ' .

'Please return to the store in order to complete your order.'."\n\n".

'Our apologies if you already completed your purchase, ' .

'we try not to send these messages in those cases, but sometimes it is ' .

'hard for us to tell depending on individual circumstances.'."\n\n".

'Again, thank you for your time and consideration in helping us ' .

'improve the ' . STORE_NAME . " website.\n\nSincerely,\n\n"



define('DAYS_FIELD_PREFIX', 'Show for last ');

define('DAYS_FIELD_POSTFIX', ' days ');

define('DAYS_FIELD_BUTTON', 'Go');











define('TABLE_GRAND_TOTAL', 'Grand Total: ');

define('TABLE_CART_TOTAL', 'Cart Total: ');


define('TEXT_SEND_EMAIL', 'Send E-mail');

define('TEXT_RETURN', '[Click Here To Return]');

define('TEXT_NOT_CONTACTED', 'Uncontacted');

define('PSMSG', 'Additional PS Message: ');


Hi see if its not coming from admin/recover_cart_sales.php


look for

<?php // Are we doing an e-mail to some customers?


it might be below that


im not using same version as you, but if you google simple search and replace is first link download it point it to contributions folder and search for EMAIL_TEXT_1 a list of file(s) containg that text will come up



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Great little search tool, thanks! Which version of RCS are you running?


I did find the text in two files, in both English and the Dutch recover_cart_sales.php However I may have to hope the author reply's to this issue. I have no idea what to do with it. Here's the code portion from the English file:


// E-mail Processing - Requires EMAIL_* defines in the

// includes/languages/english/recover_cart_sales.php file

$cquery = tep_db_query("select * from orders where customers_id = '".$cid."'" );


$email = '<span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">';

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_1;

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_2;


if( EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true' ) {

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_ACCOUNT . ' <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '</a>' . "\n\n";

//$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_SHOPPINGCART . ' <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_SHOPPING_CART, '') . '">' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'SSL') . '</a>' . "\n\n";

} else {

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_ACCOUNT . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . "\n\n";

//$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_SHOPPINGCART . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . "\n\n";



$email .= "\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_3 . "\n\n" . $mline . "\n\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_4 . "\n\n";


Hi see if its not coming from admin/recover_cart_sales.php


look for

<?php // Are we doing an e-mail to some customers?


it might be below that


im not using same version as you, but if you google simple search and replace is first link download it point it to contributions folder and search for EMAIL_TEXT_1 a list of file(s) containg that text will come up



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Great little search tool, thanks! Which version of RCS are you running?


I did find the text in two files, in both English and the Dutch recover_cart_sales.php However I may have to hope the author reply's to this issue. I have no idea what to do with it. Here's the code portion from the English file:


// E-mail Processing - Requires EMAIL_* defines in the

// includes/languages/english/recover_cart_sales.php file

$cquery = tep_db_query("select * from orders where customers_id = '".$cid."'" );


$email = '<span style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">';

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_1;

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_2;


if( EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true' ) {

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_ACCOUNT . ' <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '</a>' . "\n\n";

//$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_SHOPPINGCART . ' <a href="' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_SHOPPING_CART, '') . '">' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'SSL') . '</a>' . "\n\n";

} else {

$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_ACCOUNT . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . "\n\n";

//$email .= EMAIL_TEXT_SHOPPINGCART . ' ' . tep_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . "\n\n";



$email .= "\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_3 . "\n\n" . $mline . "\n\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_4 . "\n\n";



I think im using 2.2.3 been a while now i added it say july 2008



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After installing RecoverCartSales 2.30a everything seems ok, but I get no results and the scart table is empty.


I get no errors anywhere. I have verified the installing instructions a couple of times and I have made no mistakes, so I'm absolutely lost.


What I do is:


In the admin > tools > Recover Cart Sales, I press GO button. I get no erros, but the result page is the same as before pressing the button.


After, I go to admin > Reports > Recovered Sales Results and the page result is ever the same (no result):

Total Recovered: 0% €0,00


The scart table is absolutely empty.

Any clue?


I, too, am not getting results in my Recover Cart Sales. I have posted messages previously to try and fix the issue, but to date i have not had any success! I have installed and re-installed the contribution about 3 times to make sure i have not made any mistakes/omissions.


i have just been into my SQL database and had a look there:

1) My 'Scart' table is empty!

2) I looked into my 'customer_basket' table, and found all of the unfinished orders - the ones that should be showing up in my Tools>Recover Cart Sales report.


Why is this happening (or not happening!)?




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Again, you have control over all that. Whatever you put in the line to be passed in and included in the message will be placed in the center of the message. The SQL used to scoop out the information (empty the carts) in both parts of the code is the same. You can modify it to include the price, etc, very simply.







dossier surendettement

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The default text message is already in another file. Email_Text_1 for instance, does not seem to show up anywhere in other files - or relate to another field in the database. So how is it supposed to pull info from the database? Perhaps it is simple, if you know code :) As a small biz owner you have to wear multiple hats, and coding isn't my specialty :)


Again, you have control over all that. Whatever you put in the line to be passed in and included in the message will be placed in the center of the message. The SQL used to scoop out the information (empty the carts) in both parts of the code is the same. You can modify it to include the price, etc, very simply.







dossier surendettement

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I finally ended up pulling the installing of version 2.30 out of the site. I installed an older version (2.23a) dated Dec '08 and all is well. The email comes through as it should, pulling the info from the database. As noted in a previous thread, there is some code that needs to be adjusted for the 'reply to' email address. The emails I received while testing, if the customer were to hit 'reply to' would never make it back. Reference below:


View PostAntiqueStoreBuilder, on Sep 6 2006, 07:50 PM, said:

I fiddled around with my problem and came up with the following solution that fixed my issue - it should work for you:


In admin/recover_cart_sales.php I changed:


tep_mail('', $outEmailAddr, EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $email, STORE_OWNER, EMAIL_FROM);










This should take your email address info (Store_Owner & Store_Owner_Email_Address) from global settings.


Hope that helps...


Note, "EMAIL_FROM" also comes from global settings and is configured in the same place as the STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS setting. (admin->store configuration). Either will work if correctly configured.

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