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Re-formatting entire site


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I've figured out how to make my catalog look like my other html pages, now I'm trying to change all the pages to conform, and I can't find one of them. It's the page that opens when you click on any product.




It opens to http://www.greattradingpath.com/catalog2/index.php/cPath/21, and I can't figure out what file that's referring to.


Anybody know?

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index.php actually has three different displays based on the situation (the welcome page, category list, product list). It looks like you have already changed the welcome page. Much of the code for the product list comes from includes/modules/product_listing.php. Look at the line:

        <td><?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . FILENAME_PRODUCT_LISTING); ?></td>

However, the page you are showing is for the 'nested' case and all the code will be in index.php itself.




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