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need to charge tax on shipping


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I need to charge tax on shipping/freight charges in addition to the subtotal.


I need it to show:


subtotal 2.00

shipping 3.00

tax on 5.00



I changed the sort order in order_total in modules in the admin thinking that might do it - but it's still showing


subtotal 2.00

tax tax on 2.00

shipping 3.00



I posted this to general support but got no replies. I would have thought this to be an easy fix and/or common...


Thanks for any comments.



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You want to charge TAX on Shipping? Have you tried looking in your SHIPPING MODULE? That would be a great place to look.


You apply a TAX CLASS to it, and tax will automagically be applied. You should already have a TAX CLASS set up for your normal goods, if not you need to do that also.

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I have created a tax class in admin called taxable goods. I did not assign any values to tax zone or tax rate.


The product is assigned this tax class id in the database, but this has not fixed the problem.




And yes I do need help. I dont understand why changing the sort order has not fixed the issue. When I do a print_r($GLOBALS) - I see the sort orders correctly, but they are not showing up in correct order in the checkout_confirmation.


Any ideas ???

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woops forgot




In answer to looking in the SHIPPING MODULE - I am using UPS. I have assigned the tax class as my Taxable Goods (class I created). This is all I see to do. What else can I do there if anything ?

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You have now just changed your question from wanting your SHIPPING to be TAXED, to wanting the tax line to appear in a differnt location on the page.


Which is it? Are you having problems getting tax to be added to your shipping charges? or Are you having problems getting the TAX to be placed in a different place on a certain page?


Because there is no way changing a SORT order will magicly get tax added to anything.


Please start over, and be very specific, and detailed about the problem and try to keep it to just one problem unless you believe that multiple problems are linked in the solution.

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Ok - that's where I was making a wrong assumption. I thought changing the sort order changed the way it was calculated. Thanks.


What I do need is the shipping along with the subtotal to be taxed on checkout confirmation. Is this possible ?


In Locations-Taxes/tax classes I have assigned a 'taxable goods' class.

In the Shipping module under UPS I have assigned as tax class 'taxable goods'.


I would be nice for it to show as in Example A. It now shows as in Example B.


But so I dont confuse the issue lets just stick with 'how do I charge tax on shipping and subtotal.'


Thanks for your help.



I need it to show:


(A.)subtotal 2.00

shipping 3.00

(tax on 5.00) .75

total 5.75


It now shows the following:


(B.) subtotal 2.00

(tax on 2.00) .50

shipping 3.00

total 5.50



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I have now figured out how to charge tax on shipping (YEAAAAAAA)


In catalog/includes/classes/order.php

on my line # 317 I put this:

$this->info['tax_groups']["$products_tax_description"] += ($products_tax / 100) * ($shown_price + $this->info['shipping_cost']);


it WAS this:

$this->info['tax_groups']["$products_tax_description"] += ($products_tax / 100) * $shown_price;


Now I would like to change the sort order.


But I will post a new post for that


Thanks for your help



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Can anyone clarify that by any law, the shipping cost can or should be taxed for sales? I thought that by US commercial law, only the product price, not the shipping cost, should be taxed for sales. How should I follow a law on this issue? Thanks



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I can answer your question only partially. The following states require that tax be charged on shipping and frieght:




















Not being a tax accountant I cant answer your legal question. However - the tax acct for our company has told me to charge shipping on the above states, and if I cant figure that out to charge it for all states. I am sure she wouldnt have told me that if it were against that law. My understanding is you dont charge tax to ship to states where you dont have offices. (we have offices in most states). So if you have offices in only the state where you are located (like most seem to on this forum at least), you may not have to worry about it.


I would advise you to get advise from a tax accountant and/or cpa

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Thanks for your information, Hunter. I do need to charge sales tax with shipments to all us states (some 0% though). Now according to your info, a question of how to divide sales tax to cover shipping cost and not for different states comes up. Do you or anyone have a solution or idea of how to do this with osC? Thanks



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