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Need help with credit card payments


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I'm trying to setup Payflow Pro with osCommerce but keep on getting the 'credit card error' message. We use IIS5.0 on Win2K Server w/ PHP 4.3.4.


I have the SDK from Verisign and have it working fine from the command line, but I am completely stuck on where to go from here. I've tried all the Payflow Pro modules available in the contributions section, but nothing.


Here are my paths in the admin section, though I get the exact same error regardless of what I enter for the paths:


PayflowPro Library Path

LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Where PayflowPro libraries are located)



PayflowPro Certificate Path

PFPRO_CERT_PATH (Where PayflowPro certificates are located)



PayflowPro Executable

PFPRO_EXE (Specify the payflow pro executable.)



What I am missing?? We use IIS...can this module even be used with this server?

It seems that everyone w/ such problems is using Apache, but can anyone help me with IIS? All config fields are correct (vendor, userid,password,port, etc)

I'd hate to give up and use authorize.net, as we use Payflow Pro w/ another web app without a problem.


Thank you so much!!!

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I guess my question was too challenging for anyone w/ Payflow Pro experience...my other 3 payflow pro questions (all basically the same) were unanswered too!


As I won't be the last with this error, "Credit Card Error!", I will explain how I fixed it, so those seeking help won't need to go through the pains that I did.


As expected, the sticking point was the pathing to the Payflow Pro SDK's. I made an absolute path to each directory (Library Path, Certificate Path), and to the actual pfpro.exe file for the Executable path within the Payflow Pro Payment Module (ie. c:\verisign\payflowpro\win32\bin\pfpro.exe).


When entering this into the Payment module & saving, it looks incorrect. (c:verisignpayflowprowin32lib). What is that junk?

IS THIS A BUG IN THE PAYFLOW PRO MODULE? I believe it is. At least a bug in the latest payflow pro contrib by Alonso (PayflowPro 1.1). Has anyone not had problems with this module using IIS 5.0+?


So I went into phpMyAdmin and manually updated the 3 fields within the Configuration table with the missing slashes (ie. c:\verisign\payflowpro\win32\lib\). It still looked like crap in the admin module page, but it worked! If you 'update' the module in the admin page after this point, it will automatically remove the slashes and you will receive the 'Credit Card Error!' again. If that happens, just update the fields in phpMyAdmin once more.


If anyone has any questions on getting Payflow Pro to work on IIS 5.0+, feel free to ask me...I think I know it quite well now. ;)

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  • 6 months later...



Can you elaborate on this fix?


I am looking at the configuration table ... and can't find any fields relevant to this.


I have tried making environment variables to the paths ... but this did not work for me ...


can you help?


you can email me directly at primea @ netzero . net



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Hi primea,

I'm a little fuzzy on this topic as osCommerce did not fit our needs and I stopped using it last December. However, I do have a vague idea on what I did to fix this bug.




What you need to change are the values under the configuration_value field. For example, you need to modify the value c:verisignpayflowprowin32lib to the correct c:\verisign\payflowpro\win32\lib...assuming that the path is located there.


I remember testing this many times and confirmed that making this change was solely responsible for avoiding that annoying credit card error message.


Good luck!


The reason we no longer use this product is because it doesn't support multiple recipients on 1 order. Hopefully osCommerce will add this feature sometime in the future!

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I have found the related field on the configuration table ... changed the values and still not love ... :(


I have moved the /bin, /certs, /lib folders in the /catalog folders ... then pointed the admin to the relative and absolute paths and it will still not work ... looks like it's not even executing the file ...


Ut just kicks me back to the payment information page with "Credit Card Error!" written on top.


I am using IIS on Windows 2000 server ...


Any more ideas??

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  • 1 year later...
I am having many issues with Payflor pro... Has anyone successfully installed and is running it? If so i would be happy to hire you to setit up for us.


[email protected]


I am able to run mine succesfully ... there's a trick for it to run on Windows ... if you are running windows ... contact me via primea @ gmail . com and maybe I can help you ...

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  • 1 year later...

I desperately need help here I am having this error:


Credit Card Error! Please try again.


On checkout_payment.php, crazy! This is the last step to this store. We have it working on another store, perfect. But why would I get this error? I don't get it, and client is getting very anxious.


Here are my three files:


PayflowPro Library Path



PayflowPro Certificate Path



PayflowPro Executable



Anything else I can tell you?


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  • 1 month later...

Accepting online credit card payments has become easier over the past decade, not only for the customer but for the merchant as well. The use of shopping cart software allows the customer to check in and out with ease, and even store their information on a secure server to use with the next purchase from your website. Secure websites that are SSL encrypted make it safer for the consumer, and eases some of the worries about their personal information being seen by hackers and others who are able to access it online. Certainly, you are still going to encounter some customers who are uneasy about putting their credit card information on the Internet, and for those, you can choose to accept a telephone payment instead of an online credit card payment. It is more difficult for you, but if it eases the worries of your customer, then it is worth it. Why lose a customer over such a trivial matter that is easily resolved?




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