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Newbie - uploading local product images?


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In Admin/Products, how do I point to an image for the product that already exists on the server? I don't have the connection speed or time to sit there pointing to my local drive and uploading each time, when they already exist somewhere.

On the same note, can you set it so the image doesn't copy over to the "images" directory? I've currently got the pics for the site under "pics" on the non-https server, still testing the catalogue before I make the https server the main site.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


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It's actually a commercial server elsewhere - I'm not uploading from my machine to my machine, it's from mine to another server somewhere.

I tried just typing in the address for the pic (eg. www.suchandsuch.com/pics/product_pic2.jpg), but that doesn't want to work.

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I've tried entering the location like that too and it doesn't work....you just have to upload the files. it's a shame too because I've had to sit here and "reupload" even though they're already on the server to begin with. it's sorta retarded. if I figure out an alternative, I'll let you know.

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