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i've been banging my head on this issue for about 3 days now but i think i have a work-around. i installed the credit_class_GV_DC_v5.03 by ian to my osc 2.2ms1. the problem was that although money was credited to the "voucher balance", you still had to choose a payment option even if voucher balance exceeded the amount of the item purchased.


example: $56 dollars in voucher balance. purchase item for $26. "ticked" the box in checkout_payment.php under "credits available" box to authorize use of funds in account balance, but could not proceed because the site demanded i pick "payment method". (i thought ticking the box for voucher funds was a payment method.)


i scanned the forums and could not find a way to solve the problem and even emailed others who had similar problems, however, no solution was found.


in order to move things along, i activated COD in the payment module via the admin section, went into languages > english > modules > payment >cod.php and changed the text from "C.O.D" to "Voucher Balance". now, when someone goes to the checkout and they are given the payment options of credit card, check or money order, PayPal, and Voucher Balance. the customer hits voucher balance, and then should tick the box under the "credits available" box directly beneath it. THEN they are able to proceed to final checkout. this was the only way i could think of to let someone through w/out having to enter another creditcard #, PayPal, or check options.


the only problem that i see is that someone could tick the Voucher Balance button (once "COD") w/out a valid voucher and try to get sneak out w/out valid payment. one would have to monitor the customers order to confirm use of account credits. i'm a newbie, so i can think other way to work around this problem since i could not find a solution on the forums.


if anyone has an easier way, please let me know. i just couldn't get it to work and i thought others might want to work around the problem in this fashion - hence this post. but please let me know you thoughs on the issue in case i goofed up. :huh:

marty hafner

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