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Coupon Addition, please please help, :(


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Hey guys! I was hoping someone here could help me as the limits of my technical knowhow have been exhausted I'm afraid.


I've installed this mod to a clean version of oscommerce (apart from a few layout changes and image edits, but nothing fundamental) and it seems to being working fine for the most part.


The problem is the admin control section... when I installed it, all the links were showing as the php code.... the stuff that is meant to call information from the database I think.... like GV_ADMIN GV_COUPON stuff like that... I managed to edit these so that the link text at least looked nice... but I've also found that the links themselves point to


catalog/admin/FILENAME_GC_QUEUE and so on...


I have tried to edit these links to point to the relevant file, for instance catalog/admin/gv_queue.php which I know existing, but when I try to do this, the . is removed and the file cannot be found...


There is also a similar problems within these pages...



This is the texr displayed in the queue section....


I'm sure I've messed something up here... I just don't know what.... :( I also had trouble installing the database tables... the table names that the sql created differed from those that the pages were looking for (not in capitals or appended with TABLE_) so I had to redo them myself... not sure if this is a clue...


I don't know if I am making any sense, but I would be so grateful if anyone could help me out here, :(



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He again... I'm not sure if that last post made any sense so I thought this might help.... hope it's okay for me to do this....




Do you see the section at the bottom? That's the coupon section... I don't know why the links are like that... and the locations they point to don't make sense either... The're pointing to stuff like FILENAME_GV_ADMIN

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Someone very kindly helped me out with the text for my coupon mod, (an edition to the english.php file fixed it all) but I am still having problems with the links pointing to FILENAME_GV_ADMIN and similar, rather than the actual file....


I'd be forever grateful if anyone could help me out with that? :D


*bats eyelashes*

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Have you uploaded the following file included in the module:




Also you need to edit admin/includes/application_top.php as:


Add the following line to the end of the file just before the closing ?> tag


REQUIRE(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'add_ccgvdc_application_top.php');
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I've inserted that code, but am now getting a different error message:



1146 - Table 'beadshop_shop.coupons' doesn't exist


select count(*) as total from coupons where coupon_active='Y' and coupon_type != 'G'




I've checked the database, and that table does exist, although it's named in upper case. I tried changing it to lowercase but it made no difference.


I'd be so grateful if you could decipher this one, :D

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